Chapter #38- The Art of Breaking a Heart.

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Chapter #38- The Art of Breaking a Heart.


(Edited- 22/05/2017)

She is sitting on my lap, her back leaned is my front as she faces away from me.

As much as it is a torture for me to sit like this- naked- I have to.

Maybe she will be so distracted by my clothlessness that she won't get angry at me. That she'll think what I did isn't as bad as it really is.

Maybe if she won't see the pain in my eyes, she'll think it was all okay to me. And feel okay too....

Okay the last thought is bullshit.

She cannot think what happened that night was okay.

I won't let her.


How did she get back the memories anyway?!

"You know Alpha, it's getting late... so if you don't want to tell your story, I can let it slide" She says thoughtfully and I jump at the opportunity.


"Bullshit" She snorts and I feel my cheeks flame. "Get started with the story already, Mate. We have to play games too..."

I bet once I am done with the story the only game she'd want to play will be 'Let's kill Ulysses'.

"Fine. Your rules apply to this story too. You interrupt and I won't continue" I hope she interrupts....

"So original. Why can't you come up with your own rules, Alpha?" She sneers and I cringe. Not at the sneer, but at the way she calls me 'Alpha'. With a sarcastic tinge to her voice.


"Whatever. Just get done with the story. The suspense is killing me" I growl at that and she chuckles. How can she talk about Death and Herself in one sentence? Does she never stop to think how much it will affect me too? I will.... I don't know what I will do without her. Probably go rogue.

"Just get started, Alpha" She is impatient now and is starting to turn my way, but I put my hands around her face to limit their movement.

These sparks are gonna be the death of me....

"What the fu-"

"You promised you won't turn around" I hiss in her ear, still reeling from the sparks that crawled on me out of nowhere.

"Your member down south is kinda digging in my butt" She says in a whisper and damn it, I feel my cheeks colour all the more.

"Do you want me to share the memory or nah?" I act like I didn't hear her comment.

"Without further ado, yeah" She sighs and wiggling her bottom once more, she leans into me.

I almost let out a groan.

"Till where do you remember that episode?" I ask, unsure where I should begin from.

"I recollected it till the part I told you that I thought you were my Mate" She says quietly.

"Oh...." I am glad she is facing away from me, so that she cannot see the panic on my face.

I literally have to jump the gun now, because that is exactly the point in that memory where things had hone downhill.

"Wait. Before you start, I have a couple of questions" She rushes out, turning to face me.

Her face is so close to me that my senses are not quite up to the mark. I take a second to collect myself, and then another one to remember what she had said and then let out a sigh.

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