Chapter #26- ILoveYouSpice

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Song- Ready for it- By Taylor Swift.

I like this one better than Taylor's- Look what you made me do.... so yeah.

Chapter #26- ILoveYouSpice

"I am gonna kill you!" I shriek like a deranged woman as I throw the lamp at the man who claims to care for me more than life itself.

He catches the lamp in his hand like he did with the telephone and the other lamp.

"It's time to wake up my darling Sugar" He grins.

"Fuck you! Shut the fucking blinds!" I growl as I shade my eyes and feel around for my pillow.

"We have to go to the office and do some work, Mate" He sounds amused and I catch him off guard when I throw the pillow, hitting him square on the face.

"Fuck the office!"

"Your boss will not be very pleased" He says, again with that grin.

"Fuck my boss!" I groan when I realize that I have run out of things to hit him with.

"I am pretty sure he'll like that" Oh my Moon. Can the earth just open up and swallow him already?

"Fuck you!" I grit out as I pull on the bed sheet and duck my head under it, trying to get comfortable and go back to dream land where he and I are doing things that gotta be illegal in atleast 30 states...

"Mate..." He climbs the bed and I feel him beside me, his warmth a welcome one.

Unconsciously I scoot towards him to bask in his warmth.

"Mate... it is 5 o'clock in the evening... you have to eat something. Get up. Now" He says, his voice firm.

"No" Fuck. I am wide awake now at the mention of food.

"How 'bout this, we can go check up on Liv and her Cat"

"He is not a Cat"


"And my answer is still no. They need their privacy" Which brings me to the question- What are my mate's feelings towards Teague and Olivia being mates? Not that it would matter to them, but still. He hasn't said a word about it to me.

"How about we go keep an eye on Miss Bishop and Sebastian and Taggart?"

"Why are you so desperate to wake me up?" I am not good at beating around the bush.

"Because I don't want to be the one who explains Miss Bishop's condition to my best friend"

"Your best friend?"



"And also because you haven't eaten anything for the last 9 hours"


"Will you wake up now? I have to do some office work too"




"Get the fuck up" He says as he pulls the bed sheet off me. I glare at him, or at least try to, but he surprises me by smiling so tenderly at me that my breath catches. Man, is he handsome... I could get used to waking up to the sight of his hotness... *sigh*

He leans and pecks my lip and murmurs, "I'd say good morning, but it is close to evening, so..." Before I can kiss him back, he pulls back, disappointing me.

"How come you are not as tired as me?" I yawn as I sit upright and he gives me that smile of his which makes the dimple in his right cheek wink.

"I am kinda used to working on less than necessary hours of sleep" He says and without explaining further, he leans over and picks up a cup from the night stand and thrusts it in my hand.

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