Chapter #7- I invite him over.

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Song I am obsessing over- Malibu by Miley Cyrus.

I feel like this is by far her best song. (Hands down) No kidding.

Chapter #7- I invite him over.

'Hello, Delilah' I tense in My Mate's arm as I hear the deep timber of his voice ring in my head.

'Ed?' I am taken aback that he is the first one to contact me. Usually, it is me who has to take the initiative to connect with him.

'Yes, it is the love of your life' he chuckles.

'Ha ha' I laugh drily. Will he ever let that go?

'I hear you made a trip to Canada?' He asks.

'So I did.... I was hoping to see you there' He trots the globe for a living and though the USA is his native country, he prefers to stay in Canada.

'I am busy someplace else, Delilah' the way my name rolls out of his mouth still gets to me.

'Where are you? I called at your place on my visit there and they told me you were out' I get out of my Mate's arm and sit back on the bean bag, keeping my eyes closed so that I don't see my Mate's face. For some reason, I feel guilty taking to Ed, as if I am betraying my Mate somehow, and I know that I need to tell him about my connection with Eduardo.


'I am actually having the time of my life, if you will believe me' he answers vaguely and I frown.

'Okay... It's been what, a couple of months since we last talked? What's up with you?' I ask, playing along with the lie he just fed me. He's probably on a mission right now.

'Oh, the usual... you know. Wait, I have to ask you something' And here it comes.

'What makes you think I'll answer your question?' I flip back, because seriously, the only thing I had asked him to do was to track Vanessa down and he still hasn't given me any leads.

'Oh, help a man out, Delilah' His voice has gone all husky and I groan.

'Shoot' I hiss.

'I was just wondering if vampires procreate' he sounds almost hesitant in asking that and I am taken aback by his question to be honest. Why the sudden interest in vampires' reproductive life?

'Why do you wanna know?' I ask cautiosly.
'Uh, not a big deal, but I was gonna hook up with a vampire and I wanted to know if I should carry a pack of condoms or not' he says casually and I choke on air.


'What?! I have never slept with a vampire before and there are always rumours about how they can't have kids and all, so I just wanna confirm!'

'Oh my Moon. This is really happening. You are seriously asking me whether you should put on a condom before you do it with a vampire, aren't you?' I groan.

'Uh, yeah'

'Well, I am not going to be a cock blocker so I'll let you know that yes, vampires can get knocked up too. But the chances of if happening is very very very very slim. Like one in a thousand vampire female ends up pregnant' I preach.

'So to be on the safer side I should wrap it?' His voice has just the right amount of naughty in it.


'Yes, Delilah?'

'Where are you?'

'In my hotel room'

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