Nash interviews Alpha Ulysses Asher Black #2

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Nash interviews Alpha Ulysses Asher Black


(Edited- 21/05/2017)

*Nash walks in the Alpha's office, without knocking on his door, and openly glares at him.*

Alpha: *sighs* Oh Moon. You again?

Nash: *frowns* What do you mean 'you again'? Did you forget that your company and I signed an agreement, that states that I get to take your exclusive interviews?

Alpha: *clenches his jaw* I didn't forget. You have 29 minutes.

Nash: *sits down on an unoffered chair and glares at him*

Alpha: Like the view?

Nash: Before coming here, I googled the word "bastard" and I swear I saw your picture besides the definition.

Alpha: Just because I am in a good mood, doesn't mean you get to speak shit about me. Watch your fucking mouth, ask your fucking questions, and fuck off.

Nash: So now you are in a good mood? Oh wait! Of course you are! You punched your mate yesterday, what's not to be happy about!?

Alpha: *Starts shaking* It was a fucking mistake! She stepped in in place of that cat!

Nash: *gasps* He is not a cat! He is a fucking tiger. One who is known to be the most powerful one to be born in centuries.

Alpha: You know what? You are here to interview me. Not gossip about that cat. So ask your questions Nash.

Nash: You are right. Okay... let me dive into the first and foremost question that has me the most curious.

Alpha: Whenever you are ready.

Nash: You and your company are known to be a lot into charity work, I agree. But before yesterday, you never personally graced any fundraiser or inauguration party with your esteem presence. So why did you attend this one?

Alpha: Arianna's father is a business associate.

Nash: I call bullshit.

Alpha: *glares*

Nash: You somehow knew that it was Delilah's self-defense center, so you went there.

Alpha: You seem to have it all figured out.

Nash: *smirks* That I do. *frowns* What I don't understand is how did you come to know it was Del's self-defense center? *Looks keenly at Alpha Ulysses*

Alpha: Don't look at me with those eyes!

Nash: Sorry. These are the only ones that I have. And by the way.... I had it checked and cross - checked and you did not have a PI trailing Delilah... so how did you know?

Alpha: *glares*

Nash: Come on. You are supposed to answer my questions! That's how interviews go. Usually.

Alpha: I asked my Gamma, Hayden.

Nash: *gasps* That traitor!

Alpha: I am his Alpha. Whatever I ask him, he has to answer me honestly. He is loyal to me.

Nash: *piles that information in the stack at the back of her mind* Okay... next. Who is Olivia Jones to you?

Alpha: .....

Hey, Mate! (Cursed Mates #1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt