Chapter #40- We talk in the moonlight...

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This is the last chapter of Part 1. The First chapter of Part 2 will be up on Sunday.

Song I am obsessing over is linked above- Charlie Puth- Attention.

Chapter #40- We talk in the moonlight...

(Edited- 22/05/2017)

'Do you remember why I call you Sugar?' He asks out of nowhere.

We are both still in our wolf form, the Moon, in all its glory, is shining on us. I am following him some place he won't tell me about. He says the place is a surprise. I hate surprises. But he fed me, so....

'Not exactly...' The confession is hard to make. I am not really happy that part of memory had been missing for the last 14 years.

'Do you wanna know?' He asks hesitantly and I am glad we are not in our human form, because I swear it would have been hard as shit to hide my eagerness from him.

'If you wanna share, then be my guest...' I trail off breezily and hand Sel the control so she can navigate us further.

He chuckles and then starts, 'It was actually a couple of days after we became... friends'

I make a sound of acknowledgement, but my head, it is already spinning as the memory hits me full force.


I was sitting on the chair, watching Aunt Avery make jam.

"It smells yummm" I patted my tummy and made a big show of licking my lips.

She laughed at my compliment and said, "You are not getting to taste it until I am done with it. Not even a lick"

"But Auntie-"

"Nuh uh, little one! I won't fall for your charm this time" She giggled.

"Really?" I pouted.

"Why don't you go out and play, princess?" She taook a spoonful of jam and passed it to me, making sure to keep an eye on the door for my Mom or Daddy.

I had caught the flu a couple of days ago, so the doctor had warned me to keep my diet in check...

"Thanks Auntie" I grinned as I licked the spoon clean and passed it back to her.

Aunt Avery did not reply, because her son walked in right that moment.

"What are ya'll doing?" He asked plopping down on the seat next to me.


"I was tasting the jam Auntie is making" Aunt Avery and I said at the same time.

He looked down at me for a second, and then his gaze flicked towards his Ma.

"I thought she was not supposed to eat sugary stuff for a while" He scowled, his voice somewhat sharp.

Aunt's face turned pink, and before she could say anything, I piped in.

"Oh, get lost you. I haven't had anything sweet since yesterday. I am allowed a bite" I snarled in his direction. I was still uncomfortable with the aura he had around him. So... dominant.

"But Delilah-"

"You should taste the jam too, Uh-lis-is" I hated how I could never pronounce his name right. I had been practicing for the past two days, ever since he had saved me from the fall in the garden...

He grinned when he heard the way I slaughtered the pronunciation of his name.

"You have to be careful though, Delilah" He said softly now.

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