Chapter #15- A Long Ride.

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Song I am listening to today: Remember I told you by Nick Jonas.

Not gonna lie, Nick is my favorite from the Jonas brothers!!!

Chapter #15- A Long Ride.

"You can't just ignore me for drugging you! That is just not fair" I whine as I pout in my seat. No, not on his lap any longer. But on my fucking seat.

He doesn't reply and I groan.

"Spice" I poke his side but he doesn't even spares me a glance.

"I was going to come back to you after meeting with Alpha Ashton.... to pick you up..." I trail off when I see that he is still engrossed in his laptop, reading emails.

I sigh heavily, feeling my chest hurt and then turn on my side to stare out of the window.

I know I have screwed up big time this time, and I need to make up with him... but what do I do now to make things better?

'Tell him where you went. Assure him you were safe. Tell him you won't do it again...' Sel snarls and my head hurts. So  does my chest.

'He doesn't looks like he will listen'

'How'd you know? You haven't even tried yet!'

'I just know'

'Of course. Like you knew how he didn't want you as his mate all those years?'


'You are a fucking quitter'

'I am'

'I will kill you from within if you quit on our Mate' It is a promise she makes, not a threat.

I am not impressed. I ignore her and turn towards my Mate to ask him something that has been on my mind since last night. When he dismissed my query about my brother.

"Tell me one thing Spice" I cannot believe I did not think of this before. How dumb can I be?

He still doesn't turn towards me, but that's okay. I am facing him and I can look at his face clearly. Clear enough to catch even a hint of an emotion.

"Did you know about Hayden's and Rebecca's condition?" I ask the question even though I already know the answer. Of course he knew. He and Hayden are not only good friends, they are also Alpha and Gamma to each other. It is their job to know everything about each other.

He doesn't reply, and strangely enough, that pisses me even more.

'What are you doing?!' Sel demands but I block her off.

He has every right to be angry with me for drugging him, but if he'd only told me about my brother's problems before, when I had asked him, it wouldn't have come down to that.

Now that I think of it, all the problems between My Alpha Mate and me arises because he is holding back information from me. Or lying to me.

This is bullshit.

He has no fucking right to be angry.

When he doesn't answer, I stand up, walk past the smiling air hostess who smells of witch and sit on the seat at the very last row.

The mark on my neck stings, his mark, and I scratch at it angrily as I call for the air hostess.

"Yes, Luna Delilah?" She gives me a bright smile but I can't get myself to mirror it.

"Can you hook me up with the Wi-Fi?" I ask.

"Of course, Luna Delilah" The 'Luna' tag bugs the shit out of me but I let it slide.
I hand over my phone to her and she connects me to the plane's Wi-Fi and gives back my phone to me.

Hey, Mate! (Cursed Mates #1)Where stories live. Discover now