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Song- Bibia be ye ye by Ed Sheeran.

(I wanna visit Ghana so baddd after seeing this video 😍😍😍)

Also, Are you from Ghana? Lemme know if you are!!! I love that country💕

Andddd... I didn't want you all to stay confused as to how Lys and Ed share a common ancestor and why Lys's pack's name is Ash Moon pack... so here y'all go.

Also, this takes place nearly 1500 years ago. So yeah...


Liliana stares at the hut her sister Juliana calls her home. Or called would now be a more specific term as the wooden hut is now up in flames.

She waits for the flames to go down, for Juliana to walk out of the hut with an explanation as to why she didn't come and visit her as she had promised, and all the while that she waits, she doesn't allow her thoughts to run down the negativity river.

Never once she tries to think what happened to make her sister go up in flames. What happened to make her die?

She waits patiently, ignoring her own senses too. Ignoring what her nose is trying to tell her. The smell of decay that she inhales, she tells herself is of some animal that has died somewhere. Hopefully one of those lycans who are on a mission to hunt down her whole tribe.

She is good at that. Waiting, ignoring and lying to herself.

Only when the sun goes down and dark envelopes everything around her, does she loose her patience.

What is taking Julie so long to return from the dead? She wonders as she allows herself to walk through the flaming entrance where the door once stood.

The fire can't hurt her, as she is a phoenix, albeit a latent one, and phoenixes are made of fire. Hell's fire. She may not be able to return from the dead, but at least she is resistant to fire...

She walks through the ash covered ground and towards the bedroom, not sparing a second glance to the hall or the kitchen, not wanting to waste time.

Her father will be home soon, return from his trade in the village, hungry and angry, and she does not want to be the person who has to bear her father's wrath.

"Julie?" She calls out as she walks in the bedroom, kneeling down towards the still body of her sister.

"Julie?" She shakes her sister's body, and as fear creeps over her, she reminds herself that Juliana is a pure blood. A true phoenix. Like their father. And phoenixes do not die. Cannot die.

Repeating the facts in her mind, she scoots away from her sister, the only breathing soul who cares about her and is about to sit on the ground to wait for her sister to rise when she feels a hard body behind her.

She startles and turns quickly to see who it is and the sight her eyes meet makes her freeze.

"Lorenzo?" Her whisper sounds choked, her eyes transfixed on her sister's Mate. The man who is more like her brother.

Her hands cover her mouth as her eyes take in the strange angle at which Lorenzo's neck has been twisted and how his once electric blue eyes have now turned into stone.

She turns towards her sister, and starts to shake her, trying to wake her up already. Her mate is dead.... oh no! Julie will go rogue!!

When her sister's head lolls to the side and stone eyes similar to Lorenzo's stare back at her, she gets this weird feeling in her chest.

Hey, Mate! (Cursed Mates #1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora