Chapter #17- Ed shares his secrets.

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Song- Last Thing by Jack and Jack.

P.S. Jack J is mine.

Chapter #17- Ed shares his secrets.

"Hello, Eduardo" I slid into the chair in front of him and give him a small smile.

"Hello, Delilah. To what do I owe this visit?" He signals for the bartender to refill his drink as he turns sideways to stare at me.

His eyes flicker to the door, and then survey the whole bar not even sparing an extra minute to the singer on the stage who has been singing a song about sex and lust all the while staring at only him.

"Looking for someone?" I ask.

"Uh..." his brows furrow for barely a second, before his face is enveloped by his very famous poker look.

"Why are you here Delilah?" He asks in a no bullshit voice.

"To see you, of course" I flag the bartender and request him for a coke.

"Let the lid be on" I tell him and then jerking my thumd in Ed's direction, add, "On his tab"

The bartender, a cute blonde with blue eyes looks at Ed for confirmation and then struts away to grab me my coke.


"I am not at all surprised that you are here of all the places" I grin, waving at a few familiar faces.

"How did you get here, Delilah?" He asks, swiveling his stool around to face me.

"Bas gave me a ride. For ol' times sake, ya know?"

"How come Bas knew I am in Ibiza?" He frowns. "I thought I had kept my whereabouts under wrap"

"I told him" Duh.


The bartender slides me my coke and I gingerly crack the lid. Ed then asks, "How are you doing, Delilah?"

"I am marked" I slide my t-shirt aside to give him a perfect view of my mark. The one my Mate gave me. I know that is not what he asked, but I feel like flaunting my mark to him. Make his realize what he missed out on.

He stares at the mark for a few seconds, as if memorising it, and then gives me a smile. A genuine smile. Weirdly, it makes my heart ache.

"It's beautiful. Congratulations" He says and leaning in, he pecks my cheek softly. My skin tingles where his lips brushed and I scowl at him.

"You're happy" I accuse. Okay let's face it. My ego is bruised. I thought he would feel at least a tad bit bad and (I know this is a stretch) jealous.... but he seems delighted to see me marked by another man.

"Was I not supposed to be?" He frowns and I want to scream, 'YES' and then bash his head on the granite bar. But, I don't. Instead I give him a once over.

He hasn't changed. Not even a teeny-tiny bit.

His eyes are still the electric blue that I fell in love with, and his jaw, as usual, is brushed with days of unshaved stubble. His skin is tanner though. He's been in Ibiza for a while then, I conclude.

"How old do you think I am?" Ed asks, drawing my eyes back to his own.

"Old..." I have no idea what his age is. From what I have heard, he is the oldest dragon alive. Or so Bas' bitch for a Mate had claimed.

He laughs at that. Throwing his head back, he laughs like I have cracked the funniest joke ever. The humor is lost on me.

"I am more than a thousand years old, Delilah" He says with a smirk and I inspect his face for any signs that he might be pulling my leg, but all I get is a deadpan look.

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