Chapter #11- Please don't strip!

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Chapter #11- Please don't strip!

(Edited- 21/05/2017)

"What the fuck was that?!" I cry out after I take in gulps of some much needed air.

"That was teleportation babe" Mel smirks and I cringe, before realization dawns on me.

She just teleported me somewhere.

A long time ago she had confessed of losing a lot of energy while teleporting with extra luggage. And she just teleported with me.

A 125 pound werewolf.

What the fuck?!

She clenches my hand in an iron fist and I hiss in pain.

"Dud-" I swallow my words on seeing her pain etched face.

She takes a couple of minutes to regain her composure, and then I ask, "All good, Mel?"

"Dandy" she smiles though it looks strained.

Before I can call her on that, she clicks her fingers and my formal gown is replaced with a little black dress.

"What?" I look at her.

"Here" she says and then removes a mirror out of nowhere, showing me my face.

My eyes transfix on the image in the mirror and I hold back a groan.

She has glittered my wavy bushy hair into tight bouncy curls, and given me smokey eyes.

"Are we..." I am cut off by her excited shriek.

"It's time to PARTY!!!!"


I sit on a barstool and idly survey the crowd while nursing my can of Sprite.

Right now we are in Devil May Care, a very popular club, which is owned by a demon (yes, you heard it right. We are in a demon's bar ×.×) and tonight, it is only open to supernaturals, courtesy of Teague, being buddies with the owner, Ron.

Such an innocent name for the man standing on the other side, seducing a leopard shifter.

Well... names can be deceiving.
I mean when you think about it, even Voldemort's real name was Tom Riddle.

Like seriously.

It's always the innocent name ones.


"Are you really gonna mop here all night?" Mel shows up out of no where, just when the DJ drops 'Wild for the night'

Teague is on the dance floor, flanked by two Lioness, and breaking the floor with his moves.

One thing I love about this bar, sans the food which is out of this world tbh, is the music. They don't just restrict it to the newest ones but have a great mix collection.

"Uh huh" I hum and go to take a sip of my drink.

"Seriously, girl? You are 22. Legal. You are allowed to drink. On top of that, you are a werewolf, so chances of you getting drunk are nil. And after the day you've had, you need a drink" She messes my hair and I shrug her off with a 'whatever'.

The fact that Sel is silent is worrying my panties off.

When she throws a fit, it's good, cause at least I can feel her. Right now? I can't.

Mel leans on the bar and clicks her finger, snatcing the bartender's attention off of the redhead on the other side.

He comes to us like a puppy.

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