Chapter #3- A Breakfast for six. (Or Ten? Because T eats for five people alone!)

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Song I am listening on rewind- Katy Perry- Chained to the Rhythm.

Yeah, I love that woman. And her songs...

Chapter #3- A Breakfast for six. (Or Ten? Because T eats for five people alone!)

"Maybe you should start investing in chairs, Black?" T speaks around a mouthful of bacon, pointedly staring at me, sitting on my Mate's lap.

"Maybe you should shut up Cat" Liv jumps to My Mate's defense. It doesn't go unnoticed by me that she has been glaring at T the whole time since they came here.

Before T can say something in return, I close my eyes. "Oh my Moon! Can ya'll shut up?" I groan trying not to feel any more shitty than I am already feeling.

"Can you pass the salt, Alpha Black?" Tag asks politely, not addressing my mini panic attack.

I feel my Mate tense but he picks up the salt shaker and hands it to Tag anyway.

I let out the breath I didn't even realize I was holding.

Liv, who is sitting to our right meets my eye and I can see the relief in my eyes being reflected in her own.

Mel, sitting to our left coughs and I turn to look towards her.

'Why is he not eating? It is so weird!' She whisper shouts in our mind link.

'I donno' I shake my head.

'Try to feed him' She advises and I am about to tell her just how dumb she is, when I realize that she is right. If I make a show of feeding My Mate in front of T and Tag, maybe he'll let go of some of his insecurities or whatever the hell it is?

Like a woman on mission, I scoop some scrambled egg in my spoon and turn my body ever so slightly so that I am facing him and my spoon is right in front of his lips.

"Want some?" I bat my eyelashes and his eyes flicker from my face to the spoon, as if he is trying to figure out what my game is.

"Del, he hates scrambled eggs" My eyes widen when I hear Liv's voice and something in my chest hurts at the knowledge that she knows his likes and dislikes better than I do.

I try to hide my disappointment with a laugh and bring the spoon back, but his hand stops me.

He grips my fist that is wrapped around the spoon and brings it to his mouth, opening those burgundy lips of his and taking the spoon in, all the while keeping his eyes fixed on mine.

My chest. Damn, I donno what is going in there, because all of a sudden, my heart feels like it is going to jump out of it. It is beating that fast...

"Uh..." I stare at his lips. Damn, they are perfect. Upper one stiff, bottom one pouty, and exactly what you'd call cupid's bow shape.

And I want to kiss them.

"It's delicious" He breathes out leaning in, and I am about to close the distance between us by placing my tingling lips on his, when Tag interrupts.

"Thanks, pal!"

And just like that, the moment is gone. Thanks indeed, Tag.

My Mate coughs and looks away, and I tilt my head towards Tag to glare at him. He is barely holding back his grin.

'Fuck you' I snarl in our private mind link.

He lets out a full on belly laugh and it cackles in my head.

"I thought you just said he hates scrambled eggs?" Mel looks at Liv who is glaring at an oblivious T.

She doesn't say anything, so Mel lets it slide giving me a look.

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