Chapter #8- Tag's prediction.

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Chapter #8- Tag's prediction.

The site where the school is to be build is nearly half an hour away from our apartment complex. And the cottage (it is a mere replica of the packhouse) is 5 minutes away from the construction site.
Tag is punching the shit out of Teague when Alpha Ulysses and I get there. Alpha Ulysses stares at an annoyed Olivia and raises his brow in question to which she just shrugs.

I on the other hand roll my eyes and make my way towards Mel, slapping the back of her head when I see her egging the two of them on.

"Ouch!" She glares at me.

"What the fuck?" I point towards the two asshats who are rolling on the floor, shirtless, and drawing each other's blood out like it is water.

"Tag thinks Teague ate his last batch of cupcakes" She explains. What's new in that?

"So Tag started beating the shit out of him" I see Alpha Ulysses sit down on the couch and stare at the fighting duo intently.

If Tag has started baking here, it just means that he is comfortable in this house. Good for him.

"So why is T fighting back?" I hiss when I see Tag jam his elbow in T's stomach and T spits out blood.

T has this rule that if he steals your food, you are allowed to hit him if you so wish. But don't ask for the food back.

Weird? Tell me about it...

"T swears he has not even seen the cupcakes" She smirks and my eyes widen.

"Tell me you didn't-" I groan when I see the amusement in her eyes.

"I left the cupcakes to cool down in the fridge" She says innocently and I can't help but smile (slightly) at her deviousness.

I see Olivia tense at the sight of T's blood stained face and Mel and I share a look.

'We are so right' she muses in our shared link.

I nod and walk towards Liv.

"Lu- I mean Del!" She sighs in relief at the sight of me.

"Yes, Olivia?"

"Can you make them stop?" She questions.

"Yeah" I say not committing to get them to stop fighting though.

"So please do" she looks at me with wide eyes as I place my hand at the small of her back.

"Do you not enjoy fights, Olivia?" I raise a brow.

"It's Liv, Del" She breathes out and then adds, "Yes, I do enjoy fights, but..."

She hesitates, but as I add pressure she moves and goes and sits on the chair I lead her to.

"No buts, Liv. If you enjoy fights half as much as every other supernatural, then you are in for a treat, because these two are the strongest blokes of their species" I wink at her and then give my Mate a look.

"I see you are enjoying the entertainment my beloved friends have arranged for" I tease him and his lips morph in a smirk.

"I never say no to free entertainment, Sugar" he grins and I grin back.

"Good. I would've expected nothing less" I blow him a kiss.

"Get comfortable, Mate. I'll go grab something for you to munch on" I pat Liv's back and then navigate my way to the kitchen.

I notice that the kitchen is well built and fully stocked. Tag's heaven. No wonder he started baking as soon as he could get his hands on some flour.

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