Chapter #30- A trip to Hell.

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Song- Just Like You by Louis Tomlinson.

I am literally dying because I love this song and because my phone has been confiscated from me, I can barely listen to it.

Life sucks.

Louis Rocks.

Chapter #30- A trip to Hell.

"I still can't believe you thought Ed's proposal was a good one" I say, my disbelief clearly voiced out in my words as I try not to open the pouch that lies on my lap.

"It is worth a shot, Sugar" My Mate says lightly. "Put your seatbelt on" He tells me and because he is driving like Hell's demons are on our tails, I do just as he says.

"You think so?" I ask curiously. It is really hard for me to believe that going Underworld is worth anything. Also, not opening the pouch is also very hard for me. My hands start to toy with the strings of the pouch.

"It has to, Mate. It has to... I can't allow anyone else to go through the same bullshit that you and I, and every Alpha before me had to go through" He tells me, turning slightly to give me a warning look, his eyes darker than they usually are before looking back at the road. I immediately clamp my hands together. He proceeds to explain why he thinks that this deal will work out. "The Demon King had stabbed his Queen-"

I can't help but cut him off, "What the fuck?! Why the fuck would he do that"

"Language Sugar" He says with a frown, then adds, "No idea... there were rumours that the Queen was becoming stronger than him, strong enough to overthrow him and take over the Underworld... so he stabbed her with a dagger that was very similar to the one that the Vampire Queen had used on your Vampire friend, only the dagger that is in the Queen's chest is much more potent... this happened a few years ago, and till now, the Queen has survived only because of the dragon scales that her loyal nobles bring for her-"

"Her loyal nobles?"

"Monarchy still prevails in the Underworld, Sugar. The Underworld court has now divided itself into two halves, those who are loyal to the Demon King and those who are loyal to his Queen" My mate explains.

"Anyway, back to the dragons' scales that the nobles bring for the queen, they only have temporary healing effect as most of them haven't been on their respective host for a long time and others are from dragons who are not strong enough to fight the dagger... Ed on the other hand... the Queen's people have been on Ed's tail forever just for one of his scale, considering how he is one of the oldest dragon, and also one of the strongest dragon alive... his scale will restore the Queen back to her initial health"

"Cool... so we know that the Demon's will for sure barter a deal with us" My hands start toying with the pouch again.

"Yes. Thanks to the scale that Ed gave us. The same one that will burn your hand to ashes if you give in to your curiosity and touch it" His sarcasm is filled with warning as he takes a sharp turn.

"But the one that Ed had given me before hadn't-"

"He had cooled that one down" My Mate tells me.

"How come you know so much about it?" I ask him narrowing my eyes at him. When I see his lips thin, I decide to let it slide.

"Okay, one more question-"

"Shoot away"

"What if the demon that had cursed your ancestor, Ashley, belongs to the part of the Underworld that is against the Queen? What will we do then? How will we strike a deal with him then? Surely he wouldn't take back a curse as big as this-"

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