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Here's another Bonus Chapter for ya'll... because we got 20K reads on this story!!!!

 because we got 20K reads on this story!!!!

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(Edited- 21/05/2017)

I remember the day I had met Mel.

That witch is a part of me, whether I or my beast like it or not. Where my Ma and Del own almost the whole of me, the remaining portion, (I can't say it is small... because nothing about me is small) is owned by Mel.

Del and I met her on the 24th of April.

How do I remember the day?

Well... it was my 21st birthday (I am 28 now) and Del had thought it would be cool for her to bunk school and take me street shopping. (She was a sophomore in high school back then and had hated how I was always so prim and proper)

So, there we were, roaming the streets of London, eating street food, window shopping from expensive boutiques and laughing the day off.

The day had been going good, I was enjoying myself, and I could see that so was she... but then, all of a sudden, she pulled me in an alley.

"Hey, girl! Now don't you go taking advantage of me" I teased her.

She gave me a look and after slapping the back of my head, she pointed at the woman, sitting on the road, her face ducked in her knees.

I took in a deep smell and immediately I was on guard. She smelled witch.

Before I could tell my friend about the same (Del barely ever sniffs her surroundings, thanks to studying in a human school), she was already approaching the woman on the road.

"Del!" I hissed in worry. I was not a great fan of witches.

She didn't even give me a look, but the stranger did.

She looked right up, and bam! There it was in her eyes.

The same blank look I was used to seeing in Del's eyes. In my own eyes.

"Are you okay?" Del asked her softly as she approached the blonde woman.

"Stay away!" she snapped but Del barely flinched.

"Do you need help? Are you lost? My friend and I can drive you home" She offered, the warning to stay away falling on deaf ears.

The blonde gave her a 'is-this-girl-for-real' look and when she saw the sincerity in Del's eyes, her eyes seemed to harden.

"Stay away, bitch!" She warned and acting on my instincts, I immediately stood in front of Del, hiding her away from the witch.

I roared at her, giving her a fair warning.

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