Chapter 6- Thomas (Edited)

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I furrowed my brows when Addama had talked about Sam's eating habits. I was worried, no more than worried, I was scared that she would end up in an infirmary again because of the lack of food she had eaten. She had ended up in the infirmary at my pack house more times than I could count. And even with all the times that she had been in the hospital and not eating anything, she still had weight on her.

I knew that she had been struggling for a while with trying not to be nervous with things, and I hated that I was the cause for this time. I knew that she had gotten a bit better with her eating habits when we were both twelve, but I was sure that she might have just hid it better.

"Alpha Price isn't in right now," the voice of my mate said, pulling me out of my thoughts. "He will be back later."

This wave of defeat washed over me as I looked at my mate to see her looking at me. Pain was etched on my face, because not only did she call me by my last name, but I could tell that she was just going to do that from now on. I turned to see Addama looking at me, pity in her dark brown eyes. "Wha-" I paused and cleared my throat, hating that it cracked. "What were you wondering?" I asked, looking at the older female.

"Why is it that you have to break the balance between you two? Don't you know that it causes us unrest?" she asked again. She studied me, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up. She looked as if she knew what I was hiding, the depression that I had tried to suppress for the four years Sam had been away from me.

I furrowed my brows and quickly masked my feelings from the older female. I did not need her to know what only Cel and Ro- Trent knew. I had secrets of my own, secrets that I had not "told" Sam in the letters I wrote to her. "What do you mean?" I asked, pushing the thoughts out of my brain.

"Addama is from a pack, or tribe, in Nigeria," Sam said. She hopped down and from her seat and held the bowl out to show that she had eaten everything. "They practice random shit, and Addama is like a princess or something."

"It isn't shit, Sam," she scowled, taking the bowl away from her. She ignored the growl that Sam had given her and started to clean the bowl. "It is a way of life." She cleared her throat and looked at me. "Because you have caused Sam to reject you, there are forces out there that are going to see if they can't break the White Wolf. They will try to use her to destroy not only Wolves but the whole world."

"Sounds dangerous," Prince Cason grumbled. He grabbed an apple and sat down in the seat that Sam had been sitting in. "I guess we have to call the Winchesters." He took a bite out of it looking smug at Sam. "Come on, Moose, let's go find your Squirrel."

"And, this is why you don't have a girlfriend," Sam grumbled, scowling at him. She smirked, but I could tell that it was a tired smirk. "You have to be a geek."

Prince Cason shrugged. "I am eighteen and am waiting for my mate before I do anything with girls." He smirked. "It doesn't mean that I can't be interested in what girls are interested in and flirt with females in the fandoms." He took a bite out of his apple. "Some of the girls are hot."

Sam snorted but didn't say a word. Her whole body grew tense when she saw someone behind me. "What is it, Wallace?" she asked, her voice almost deadly and threatening. She pulled Marie closer to her and shielded the young girl behind her.

I turned around to see the butler looking at her with fear in his eyes. I didn't know why, but I didn't like him either. I couldn't decide if that was because of Sam or if it was because there was something... of about him, and I was feeling it because Sam was my mate.

"The King requests your services," he said, licking his lips nervously. He glanced away from us and cleared his throat. "It is time for dinner, so the King requests that you come to the dining room." He pulled at his collar and looked at her again. "You know the way, or would you like me to lead you?"

"I am right here, Wallace, I can lead them. Thank you for informing us," Cason said. The tone of voice changed as he looked at the butler, and I did not know if it was because he thought that Wallace was inferior or if it was because Sam did not feel comfortable with him.

'Probably the latter,' Kyran pointed out. 'He treats Addama differently.'

Wallace cleared his throat and bobbed his head, looking like a chicken. He squirmed, and I could tell that Wallace wanted to get away from them. "Yes, Your Highness. My apologies, Your Highness," he said, bowing. "Excuse me," he added and then left.

Cason cleared his throat. His whole body relaxed when Wallace was out of earshot and looked at Sam "Well, I guess we should go to my father. I know that he does not like waiting." He started to walk in a different direction, and we followed.

I stopped when Addama pulled at my arm and looked at her. "Yes?" I asked.

"You need to win her back. The quicker the better," she warned. "You need to start your training."

I furrowed my brows and frowned. I had training to become an Alpha, and I wasn't special enough to do training for something like what Sam had to do. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Hurry up, Alpha Price, we do not have all day," Sam called out.

Addama smiled but didn't say a word. Worry and sadness filled her eyes, and I could tell that she knew something that we didn't. "You will figure it out later," she said. "Just get her back."

I huffed, annoyed that she was being confusing. Why couldn't she give me straight answers? And, what did she mean by the fact that I broke the "balance" between Sam and I, and that caused "us" unrest? "I will try," I promised, "But, what are you talking about?"

Addama shook her head. "Go. She is waiting for you, and you all ready have a dangerous mate on your hands."

I huffed, again but nodded. I walked towards them and prayed to the Moon Goddess to give me some sort of direction. I knew that I needed it, because I had no idea what I needed to do to get my mate back.  


A/N: Dafuq is Addama talking about? O.o

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