Chapter 36- Sam (Edited)

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I was seated at the other chair in the room and watched what was happening. I could see that my belly was growing, even in this state it wasn't. It was so surreal to see myself get longer hair and a larger body, but I wasn't there to feel anything.

I was stuck in between death and life, and I was really thinking about going to the other side. It was going to be weird not having Kerri in the land of the living, but a part of me was grateful that I could at least give her a peace of mind.

"Don't tell me you are going to leave the world with out a White Wolf, Sam," the voice of Addama said, as she came into my view. She scowled, causing me to look down. "Or the fact that you want to kill your unborn child."

I sighed and moved a hand through my hair. "I should've known that you would be finding a way to come here," I said, causing her to nod. "Why now?"

"Well, I was giving you time to grieve at your own pace, but I think that you have grieved enough," she replied. She nodded to where Garrett and Sylvia were talking. "You have missed out on a lot of stuff that they, and Tommy, were sure would make you come around."

I bit back a snort, my heart aching with guilt. "There is going to be evil in the world. I just..." I shook my head and grimaced.

Addama sighed and sat down beside me. "There will always be evil," she said, finally, glancing at me. "There will always be someone wanting power." She nodded her head to the door. "But... there will always be goodness."

I glanced at the door to see Uncle Ryker walked in with both Aunt Cala and little Felicity following him. My throat closed up when I saw that Fel had gotten bigger than the last time I saw her, and I missed seeing the now three year old that was named after my mother.

"Let's not forget about your mate," Addama said, watching as they talked in hushed voices. "He is the one that is going to lose not only his child, but his mate as well."

"He'll find love."

"Will he?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "That man loves you. Not only did he save you, but you saved him. You both know what it feels like to be suicidal, and your love is stronger than the bond that the Moon Goddess had created for you."

I took a deep breath but stayed silent.

"She needs you," she said, talking about the three year old. "She will be struggling with some things in her life, a loveless love that could possibly end up getting her killed."

"Then why me?" I asked, not even asking as to how she knew that Felicity would have such a hard time. "Why not her mother or father?"

"Because, they would blame themselves for your and their son's death," she replied. "That is what one future holds. They would not care for their three year old like the should."

My heart skipped a beat when she said that, causing the group to panic a bit. "Why would they blame themselves?" I asked.

"Ryker knew what could happen when he gave his permission for the spell," she said. "Well, he gave it to us after we had done it." She shrugged her shoulder. "Life isn't fair for some. Kerri was a prime example of that." She glanced at me and nodded when I nodded. "However, she found goodness and found a reason to keep fighting. She found you, and she lived the rest of her days to help you out until the very last minute."

I stayed silent.

"So, my question for you is who will you keep fighting for? Will you keep fighting for your mate or your unborn child?" She nodded to Felicity who was looking at us, a curious expression on her face. "Or will you fight for her?" She stood and patted my knee before starting to walk away. "Think about it."

I stared at Felicity and thought about the unborn child, my unborn child. I knew that that there would be bad in this world, but life went on. Good did defeat evil, even though there were times when it felt like the good was out of reach.

The beauty of Kerri's death was for the safety and well-being of my child. There had to be a reason as to why the baby was healthy even with me being on "death's bed".

Felicity smiled and ducked her head into her mother's neck, shyly. She clutched her mother and paid no attention to when her mother tried to turn the three year old around. "No," she said.

"Hey, Addama," I said, causing the older person to stop. I smiled at the three year old and looked at the older female. "Can you make me some soup?"

Addama smiled and nodded. "Of course," she said. She gave me a much needed hug, causing two tears to fall out of my eyes. "You are doing the right choice," she said.

"I hope so," I replied, my voice cracking. I hope that I was making the right choice, for my unborn child, for my mate, for Felicity, but most importantly, for me. "I hope so."

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