Chapter 11- Thomas (Edited)

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I watched as my mate glanced at the King and nod to whatever he told her to do. I watched as she shifted into her Wolf form, and again, I was in awe.

She was beautiful, her white fur glowing gold in the sunlight. She was as tall as an Alpha but had the femininity look that most females had. Her golden, brown eyes stared at Sheamus, and I could see a gleam of hatred in them. She snarled and took a step forward but didn't attack, not yet. Her muscles were taut as a bow and moved underneath her thick hide.

"Minimal damage, please," King Philip said. He walked forward, going in between the two Wolves and glanced at them. His face was a mask, and I could tell that he did not like the thought of this. "If I tell you to stop fighting, you will stop." He glared at Sheamus, not even looking at Sam because he knew that she would stop. "No aiming at the neck. You can aim anywhere else. Also, do not kill the either person, no matter how much you want to." He glanced at Sam, causing her to give him a smug look. He nodded and took a step back away from the Wolves. "You may begin."

Sheamus growled and started to circle around Sam. His russet colored coat glowed in the sunlight as he tried to find a weak spot on my mate. Hatred burned in his eyes, but it didn't seem to faze the now seated Sam.

"Get up," I muttered, barely loud enough for her go hear. My heart clenched in fear when all she did was sit there and clean her fur. I wanted to jump in and attack Sheamus, because she wasn't paying attention to him, and I did not trust him not to attack her while she did this.

"I wouldn't try to attack," Garrett said, coming over to me followed by Cason. He glanced at me from the corner of his eye. "She feels your urgency."

I stared at him blankly. "But she..." I couldn't finish my sentence. I did not know her fighting skills, and I hated it. I knew that she could take care of herself, but I didn't know how much.

Garrett smirked. "She will be fine," he said. "She has done this before but with Sheamus's father."

"He's dangerous, I must admit, but Sam is more dangerous," Cason replied. He folded his arms across his chest and watched the pair. "You don't want to see her pissed."

Sam twisted around and started to nibble at her back. Her neck was in plain view, and I couldn't help but growl out a warning.

"Would you relax," Cason said. "She will be fine." He nodded to her. "She is paying attention to him."

Sheamus launched an attack at her throat, going against the King's orders. However, he only got air. He looked around in shock only to be jumped on by Sam.

"Holy shit," I whispered in shock when she dug her claws into his back before jumping off. "How the hell did she do that?"

"Her training," Cason grumbled in jealousy. "She is able to move like the wind, even if she isn't using her powers."

"No attacking of the neck, Sheamus," the King warned, "or, I will let Sam make you submit."

Sheamus growled a warning, and glared at him. He yelped when Sam nipped at his tail and tried to get her but only to get air instead.

"He's getting pissed," I muttered when Sheamus let out a huge growl of anger. I choked on a growl and felt my Wolf try to take control. I could tell that he wanted to attack Sheamus and cause the other Alpha to submit. He wanted to protect his mate, just as I wanted to do but didn't.

Cason moved in front of me and blocked my view of my mate. His power came off of him in waves, causing my Wolf to growl and try to fight the command. His eyes held this determined look in them, and I could tell that he would make a good King. "I order you to stand down," he said, his voice authoritative.

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