Chapter 12- Sam (Edited)

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Tommy was hiding something, I could feel it. After the fight with Sheamus, he had been skirting around me and muttering stuff underneath his breath. This had been going on for two days now, and I was getting sick with worry. I knew that he wasn't drinking, but I, also, knew that he had a slight drinking problem by the fact that I had stolen a hoodie from his room and smelt the poison coming from the fridge.

I sighed and shook my head before calling the only person that I knew would have the answers that I was seeking. I leaned my back against the base of a tree that I was in, glad that the leaves were blocking me from view.


"What is Alpha Price hiding?"

"'Hi, Cel. How are you?' 'I feel like shit, Sam. How about you?' 'I am trying to stop this stupid crush on my ex-mate.' 'Oh, how is that going for you?' 'What the fuck do you think, Cel? It is going horribly wrong because I still love him.' Ya know, you can do a better job of greeting me."

I rolled my eyes but cracked a smile. I leaned my head against the tree bark, listening to the sound of the breeze going through the branches. "Very funny," I said, sarcastically. "So, what is he hiding?"

Cel sighed. She stayed silent for a moment, and I could tell that she was debating on whether or not that she should tell me. "How do you know that he is hiding something?"

"Because, as much as I hate to admit this, but I know this Alpha Price," I replied. I closed my eyes, and I could clearly see an injured Tommy hiding in the bathroom with tears running down his face. My heart ached, because I had been the only one that he had cried in front of, mainly because I had forced myself to be where he was at.

"He's not hiding anything," Cel said, quickly.

"Or, you just don't want to tell me," I replied. I opened my eyes and watched as a bird landed in front of me. "Who knows?"

"How is Kirk doing? Has he came back to the pack yet?"

"Cel," I warned, growling a bit. I watched the bird fly away because I had growled.

"So, I take that as a no. Has Garrett's ex-parents tried to contacting him?"

I rubbed the bridge of my nose and sighed, shaking my head. I knew that she wasn't going to tell me, which was one thing that I hated and liked about her. Sure, she was bad at keeping secrets, but she tried to be loyal. "Cel, can you please tell me what he is hiding?"

"I don't know anything. What are you talking about?"

"We both know that you know something," I replied.

There was a pause. "And if I did? What will it change?"

This time, it was me that stayed silent.

Cel sighed. "Look Sam, I know that you hate the guy, but if you want to use this info on him-"

I snorted and rolled my eyes. "What do you take me as, Cel?" I asked, my voice hard. "I wasn't going to use it against him or shit like that. That isn't who I am."

"But... you could hurt him."

I closed my eyes and sighed. "With the information or without it? I am pretty sure that me being close but not close enough is hurting him."

"Is it hurting you?"

I stayed silent.

"Don't worry, I have someone watching over him."

I took a deep, shuddering breath. I was on the verge of crying, because I hated how fucked up my relationship was with my ex-mate. My heart and body yearned for him, but my mind screamed of all the times he had hurt me. "I'll always worry about him, Cel," I said, my voice cracking. "And, that is one thing that I hate the most."


"So, the King says I can go places, but I have to take either you or Garrett with me," Sylvia said, plopping down beside me. She smiled, and I could see that she was happier than the first time that I had met her.

I lifted my head from the bowl of noodles I was eating and raised an eyebrow. My mouth was full, which was something that the king hated, but I did it anyways just to spite him.

"Well, I want to go to the mall, and I don't want to take Garrett with me," she explained.

I raised my other eyebrow, chewing on my noodles.

"He doesn't like 'The Lion King'."

I smirked and swallowed. "It's because we started using 'Hakuna Matata' as our go to saying. And... Cel and I might have spammed him with songs, gifs and shit dealing with it."


"Because, they hate me," Garrett said, coming into the kitchen I was at. He took my bowl away from me and tried to eat some of it. Unfortunately for him, I used the water that was still in the bowl and squirted it into his mouth before taking my bowl back and eating the rest of it. "Seriously?" he asked after he stopped choking. He glared, but I knew that he wasn't mad at me.

I nodded my head.

"And, you want to hang out with her?" he asked his mate, pointing at me.

Sylvia nodded. "Yes," she replied. "I want to hang out with her. She is nice." She playfully glared at Garrett. "Nicer than you."

Garrett placed a hand over his heart and batted his eyelids. "You love me, Sweetheart," he drawled. "Besides, I can show you a good time."

I finished my bowl of noodles and swallowed the last bit. "Come on, let's go," I said. "We can go to girlie shops and shops that he hates going to." I stood and placed the bowl in the sink. I grunted when Garrett flung himself on me and stole his keys from his pocket without him noticing. "Get off me, you Buffoon," I mock seethed, pushing him off of me.

"Don't take my mate away from me," he begged, dramatically. "Please, don't take my mate away from me."

I pinched his side, causing him to yelp and back away from me. "Sorry, but I am doing it. We will be back after dinner, probably, so don't go try to find us." I grabbed hold of Sylvia and pulled her to the garage.

"Wait, we don't have a car," Sylvia said when we were out of earshot. "We need keys."

I showed her the keys that we were going to be using and smirked. "We have keys," I said. "And, we are going to go to be going out in style."  

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