Chapter 27- Sam (Edited)

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A/N: I love writing in Sam's POV. Does anyone else notice that? xD  (Btw I hate Arden (you'll know who that is later). Like seriously.)

Anyways, here is the next chapter.

Peace out Fluffy Munchkins



"Check to make sure that I do not have any trackers on me," I said, walking into the clearing that I had told them to meet.

"Sam," a voice that I did not want to hear said. "Le-"

"No," I interrupted, glaring at Kerri's "parents". Anger filled my body as I looked at them, and I had to control my Wolf from attacking them. "Leave, before I make you."

Kerri's father, Arden, frowned. His green eyes had a hard look in them, so different from the look that Kerri had in hers. "I think that you need help from two experienced Warlocks," he said, his tone clipped. "And not from someone that has had a run in with the... insane train."

"And yet, I trust the person on the insane train more than I trust you," I replied, curtly.

"That is ridiculous," Kerri's mother, Adrianna, said. She perused her lips in disgust and glared at me. "Why would you trust someone like her over us?"

"Because she has proved herself to me and to my grandmother," I replied.

"But sh-"

"And, she has been punished for it," I said, interrupting her. I glanced at Kerri before looking at her mother. "Hasn't she?"

Her mother looked down, guilt flashing in her eyes. She didn't say a word, but I could tell that she hadn't agreed to the banishing of her daughter.

Why she didn't object was beyond me, but I was sure that it was because of the man she called mate.

Arden narrowed his eyes at his mate, warning her about something. He looked at his grandfather and pointed at Kerri. "Are you going to let this piece of trash help with this? You do realize how big this is, right?"

Aenes narrowed his eyes and bared his teeth at his grandson. He clenched his fists together, and I could tell that he really wanted to punch him. "I do," he all but growled, giving me the impression that he was a Wolf and not a Warlock. "Which is why Kerri and I will do it." He sent me a warning look when I opened my mouth to object.

I bit my lip and narrowed my eyes at him before looking at Kerri's parents. "Now, go. I don't have time to deal with you two."

Arden pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes at me. "You insolent, self-centered piece o-"

"I said LEAVE," I roared, glad that Aenes hd the sense to make sure that no one could hear what we were saying. I took a threatening step towards them, my teeth bared and my claws coming out.

Arden's face paled, and I could tell that he finally knew that I wasn't playing any games. He glared at Kerri before looking at his grandfather. "Let's go," he said to his mate before disappearing.

Thomas took me into his arms and held me. He didn't wince when I dug my claws into his skin and didn't move. "Shhhhh," he whispered, kissing my forehead. "Breathe."

I took a deep breath and took in his scent. "I hate them," I muttered under my breath. "I wish they died a horrible death so that Kerri doesn't have to deal with them any longer."

"I can tell," Thomas said, chuckling a bit. His hot breath fanned my mark, causing me to growl. He chuckled and kissed it. "If we didn't have to do this, then I was thinking of going to the room." He nipped at my mark, letting me know what he had wanted to do. "That was kind of hot."

I growled a warning, feeling the myself start to being aroused.

"As much as I like seeing you two breaking the spell, I would not like to see you two having sex," Kerri said. "So, cool your titties."

I narrowed my eyes at my friend, turning to face her. My whole body stiffened when Thomas rubbed his friend on my back. "Tommy, you need to calm yourself," I muttered, my face turning red.

"Oh, Gods," Aenes groaned. He flicked his wrist, causing Tommy,'s buddy to go down as well as change our outfits into something like jumpsuits "You two can shift, and they won't rip. It's temporary, so they will be back to normal when we are done with this."

I nodded my head. "And the stand ins?"

"With Garrett and Cason. Right now, they are eating," Kerri said.

I nodded my head, again. "Then let's do this." I moved out of my mate's grasp and shifted into my Wolf form. I walked over to Kerri and placed my forehead on hers.

Kerri grabbed the scruff of my neck and took a deep shuddering breath. "I can't do this," she whispered, barely loud for me to hear. "But, I will. Stay near me when you aren't summoning whatever?"

I pulled my head away from her and nodded. After that, I knelt down and waited for Kerri to get on.

Kerri chuckled and settled herself on my back. "I got to ride the most famous Wolf couple ever. Who would've thought that that was possible?"

I rolled my eyes and snorted. I made sure that Aenes was on Thomas before starting to head in the direction that had been calling me for as long as I could remember.

It was time that I stopped ignoring it and see what was going to happen...

Look Through My Eyes (Second bk of Acceptance Series) (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang