Chapter 34- Sam (Edited)

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A/N: I am sorry.


An alarm blared in the early morning, causing me to groan out in annoyance. Someone had breached the pack's defense, and I was sure I knew who.

"Where are you going?" a sleepy voice asked, as I moved from his warmth and comfort and started to get dressed. "Let the guards deal with it."

I sighed and sat back down, pulling my boots onto my feet. "I am needed," I replied, lacing up my boots. I moved around my room and picked out some weapons, mainly throwing knives. "You need to get dressed to," I said, shoving my arms into my jacket.

'Why? What is happening?" Tommy asked sitting up. He furrowed his brows and looked at me. "Is it time?"

I nodded grimly and pulled out two bracelets. "Here," I said, tossing them to him. "Wear these, and do not take them off. Kerri said that they would make sure you will not be controlled by these guys. They might put a damper on your powers, but I'd rather have you not controlled by them."

"What if I need them?" Tommy asked, putting them on. He stood, letting the blankets fall off of him. His bare chest caught my attention, my mouth going dry. He groaned and closed his eyes, his member twitching. "Just go," he grumbled. "If you don't, then I will take you again."

I cleared my throat and quickly looked away. I was really tempted to take him on the offer, but I was linked by one of the guards. "Ok," I said, nodding my head. "I have to go anyways, the commander is panicking." I walked over, kissed him on the cheek before running from the room.

'Tease!' Tommy linked me, causing me to snort. 'Stay safe for me?' he asked, his voice turning serious.

I smiled, grimly. I knew that I wouldn't be able to keep that promise, because I had no idea if I would be able to keep it or not. 'No promises,' I said.


"Come out, come out wherever you are, White Wolf," a satanic voice called out while I was closing in. The person did something, letting me hear Kerri scream. "Come save your friend, or are you a chicken?"

"Chicken? Me?" I asked, going over to them. I glanced around to see that the Warriors were frozen as well as his members. I frowned at the King's brother, ignoring Kerri in his arms. I knew that if I did look at her, then I would kill him. "Victor, I thought you knew me better than that," I said, putting my hand over my heart. "I am offended." I glanced around and pursed my lips, scowling. "Where is Byron?" I asked. "I thought he would be here."

"After you killed his son?" Victor asked, barking out laughing. He grinned, his eyes black. Insanity was bright in his eyes, and I couldn't help but shiver. "You are too funny." He dug the knife further into Kerri's throat. "I am surprised you are just standing there," he mused. "I thought you would be helping her."

"She can help herself," I replied, shrugging my shoulder. I glanced at her before looking at Victor. I bit back a smile when I saw that his veins were starting to turn black. "I don't think that you can, however." I took a step towards him, smirking. "Even with that dark magic you have acquired from Byron." My smirk deepened when he tensed. "You see, I know that Byron is your Master, and you are just a puppet to him." I nodded to his hand. "It seems to me that your time is up."

Victor looked at his hand and saw the black veins. His face paled tremendously as he let Kerri go and watched as his hand started to turn black. "No, no, no," he said, his hand crumbling. "NO! You promised me! You promised me that I was to be king if I helped you!" He grabbed his hand with his other, causing that one to disappear too. "NO!" he yelled as he crumbled into dust.

After that, all hell broke loose.


I helped anyone that needed help, jumping into battles when there were than one attacking a single wolf.

Most of the time, I was in human form, using my elements or the throwing knives that I had placed on my body, but there were times when I did shift into my Wolf form to help.

The reason as to why I wasn't always in Wolf form was because I had been using my powers to stop the mental control that some of the Wolves were under. The Wolves, that had been under Byron's control, paused for a minute before some started to help with the fighting while the others ran.

I turned to the sound of a gun firing, and my eyes widened when I saw that Kerri had been shot. "Kerri?" I asked in a whisper, running over to her. I caught her before she fell and laid her head in my lap. Tears swelled in my eyes as my heart broke because I knew that that this was the end.

Kerri furrowed her brows and weakly touched the area underneath my eyes. "You're crying," she stated, moving her hand to see the tears underneath my eyes. She looked at where she was shot. "The curse..."

I sniffled and nodded my head. I had felt the click to when she touched the tears that fell from my eyes. "I can..."

Kerri shook her head. "We both know that I don't want that," she said. She closed her eyes and grimaced. "I want to be with my mate. Let me go." She opened them, begging me to let her go.

I took a deep breath and nodded, placing my hand over her heart. I muttered a spell, causing her to close her eyes and smile.

"Name a kid after me," she replied, her voice barely a whisper. "Oh, and you are pregnant. Surprise." And with that, she passed away.

Maniacal laughing filled the air, causing me to lift my head from my dear friend. Byron appeared, his teeth lengthened and a smoking gun was in his hand. "That is what you get, White Wolf," he said. "That is for killing my son. Who should I kill now? Oh, I know." He pointed the gun at my mate. "Let's kill him and that little girl. Felicity? Is that her name?'

A loud growl escaped my lips as he threatened her. Anger filled my body as I stood, causing the air around us to thicken.

Cyra was furious, and when she wanted control, I let her have it.

There was no stopping us now.

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