Chapter 13- Sam (Edited)

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A/N: Yes, it is in Sam's POV again. I like Sam. Can ya'll tell?


I rolled down the window when we made it to the gate and smirked at the guard standing there. "'Ello Govena," I said, in a mocking British accent. My smirk deepened when he scowled. "Doth thou mother know you wearth her drapes?"

The guard scowled and folded his arms across his chest. "Does Garrett know that you took his car?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Again?"

"Not yet," I replied. "I, also, took his mate too."

The guard, Mason, looked into the car and spotted Sylvia. He gave her a nod in greeting before looking at me. "Does that mean he'll stop with the sexual jokes towards my mate?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "I almost called you to knock out his two front teeth."

"We both know that he will not stop," I said. "Now, can you open the gate?"

"Try to get him to stop making sexual innuendos with my mate and we have a deal."

"This is Garrett we are talking about. As long as he doesn't have sex with anyone... yet." I smirked at Sylvia, and she blushed and looked away. "We can't stop him from sexual innuendos. He knows he is being an asshole, so that is why he keeps doing it."

Mason scowled. "Then I will not open the gate," he replied.

"If you don't, then I will break the gate," I warned. I moved the air around him, and his hair stood up in different places.

"My hair," he whined, trying to pat down his hair. "Fine, but it isn't my fault if Garrett dumps you into the pool again." He opened the gate and watched as I waved and went past him.

'And I want him to,' I said, through the link. 'That way I can dump a lot of water onto his head.' I smirked when Mason snickered in my head and looked at Sylvia. "Let's have some fun before the boys try to take us back."

"Let's do it," Sylvia agreed.


"I can't believe you made me go into Victoria's Secret to get some expensive lingerie," Sylvia groaned, carrying the bag. She scowled at the pink bag, her face going a shade bit redder. "I seriously want to dump it in the trash."

"Well, you made me buy a couple of pairs, also," I replied. I grimaced, not wanting to know what Garrett would think about me having some pairs of sexy lingerie after burning what Cel had gotten me. "And, no we are not throwing it in the trash. We made a pact."

"We can make another pact and give it to the first girl we see," Sylvia said. "Garrett will never have to know"

"Awwww, but don't you want to tease your mate?" I teased. "I mean, you want to get revenge on him. This is the best way to do it. He can look but can't touch the goods."

"And, guess where that will lead? Me with a baby," Sylvia replied, sarcastically. "I want to have a kid but not yet."

I nodded in understanding. I was about to speak when I saw a cute couple and stopped in surprise. I pulled Sylvia behind a post and looked again to make sure that I was actually seeing this.

"Why did you-"

"Shhhh," I said, putting a finger to my lips. I pointed over the edge before looking over. "That's Kirk," I hissed, keeping my voice soft. "And, I guess he found his mate."

Sylvia frowned and furrowed her brows. She moved back behind the post and looked at me. "He's kissing another guy."

"No shit, Sherlock," I replied, giving her a deadpanned look. "And, I am guessing that that is why he hasn't been back." I took out my phone and snapped a pic before sending it to Jack with the quote 'found him.'

"What are you going to do now that you found him?" Sylvia asked

"Get him to go back to the pack. Jack needs his Beta."

"But, what about the Beta line?"

"We'll worry about that later," I replied. I looked again over the wall to see that both Kirk and his mate start to walk away. "Come on, let's go follow them."

"Why don't we just talk to them?"

"Because," I said with a smirk on my face, "it's more fun to stalk."  

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