Chapter 8- Sam (Edited)

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I moved a hand through my hair and sighed, not knowing how I was going to prove to Sylvia that Garrett was a good man. I didn't say a word until I reached my room and gestured for her to sit in one of the seats in my room. "Want a drink?" I asked. I went over to the mini fridge that I had and got two waters, sensing that she did not want to intrude, even though I had offered anyways.

"No thanks," Sylvia said. She livked her lips and looked around the room as she sat down. "Nice room."

"Thanks," I said, walking over to her. I handed her a bottle of water and smirked when she looked at it as if it was poisoned or not. "I knew that you were wanting to something but didn't want to ask."

Sylvia hesitated and grabbed the bottle of water. She chugged the water as if it was her lifeline, and she didn't want to talk to me about her mate. Her whole body was tense, and I could tell that she was wondering how fast she could leave this room with me still sitting.

"Garrett's stupid, I can admit that," I said, causing her to look at me and stop drinking from her bottle. "He is annoying, a jackass, flirty, and a piece of shit." I held my hand, stopping her from commenting. "He is, also, loyal, funny, extremely protective, helpful, and caring. He knows how to make people laugh, even when he makes it sexual."

"But he had sex with others," Sylvia said. "He didn't wait for me like I waited for him." She blinked the eyes back tears and sighed before clearing out her throat. She shook her head and looked at her hands. "I can't forget that, even if that is what you want me to do."

I bit back a snort and shook my head. "I don't want you to forget that he had sex with someone other than," I said, "but, I do think that you should forgive him. You don't have to do it right now, but I do want you to one day forgive him."

"Forgive?" Sylvia asked. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Why should I forgive him?" she spat. "He went around having sex with people when he knew that I-"

"He did not know that you were his mate," I interrupted her. "He only found out that you were his mate when you caught him hugging me."

"How is that possible?" Sylvia asked. She cocked her head, and I could see that she was confused. Hell, I was confused myself as to how he did not know that Sylvia was his mate.

I shrugged. "Either he blocked the bond somehow, or he somehow knew that he needed to find me first." I held my hand up to keep her from speaking. "I am saying that as the White Wolf. Garrett is my Protector, even though I seem to be doing more of the protecting than him." I took a deep breath and sighed. 'How would you feel if I told her?' I asked, linking Garrett.

Garrett stayed silent before sighing. He knew that I was wanting to tell her about his parents, and I could tell that he was afraid of her not wanting him. 'Tell her,' he said. 'Please,' he begged. 'I-I can't lose her too.'

I frowned, my heart breaking for my friend. I knew what he meant about why he couldn't lose her too. I had witnessed firsthand what his parents did to him, and I hadn't been able to keep my cool. "Garrett's... parents, his birth parents, didn't want him," I said, finally. I shook my head and chuckled darkly. "The first time that I met them, all I wanted to do was to hurt them. They were so degrading and so rude to their son, that it surprised me that they even had two more kids." I glared at my hands, my anger almost going through the roof. "I almost punched the Prince in the face if it wasn't for Garrett's uncle. He had told me once that they weren't his parents, even though he was conceived from them."

"But, that doesn't give him an excuse."

"Sometimes... people try to find love in many different ways. Garrett chose sex with females. Me, I chose to work hard and guard my heart because I was scared of it breaking. I've... met my mate before I had met Garrett and had rejected my mate two years ago. I-I still love him. He was my best friend, my first crush, and.." I shook my head and blinked back tears, "he was my rock. He was the only person that I had been able to turn to when I was down."

"Will you two ever be together?" Sylvia asked. She didn't ask who my mate was, and I was grateful. She might know soon, but that was fine.

I shrugged. "Addama said that we need to be together to be able to protect the world. She knows some stuff, but she isn't really telling me anything. I want to be together with him, but I do not know if he has changed or not."

"Will you forgive him?"

I shrugged, again. I wasn't sure if I would be able to forgive him, but in my heart, I knew that I all ready had. Would that mean I went back to him? Fuck no. I was scared that he hadn't changed, even though everyone said that he had. I was scared that one day, he would wake up and decide, again that he didn't want me. I was scared that he would accept me one day and then reject me the next.

"Are you sure that Garrett didn't know that I was his mate?" Sylvia asked, changing the subject for which I was grateful. She gave me a small smile when I gave her a smile as to say thanks.

"If he did, then he wouldn't have had sex with anyone," I promised. "He has seen the pain that my ex-mate had caused me when my ex-mate had sex with other females."

Sylvia hesitated and nodded her head. "Ok," she said, finally. "I trust you. I will forgive him, but he will have to work for it."

I smiled and nodded, relief filling my body. I was glad that Garrett would have a chance with his mate, and I wished them the best. Sure, I was jealous that he was going to get a happy ending, but I knew that he had deserved. "Good, now, let's work on some plans to get back at him," I said. I got up and grabbed a random notebook before putting it in between us. 'I have a few ideas..."


Sylvia and I had stayed up almost all night talking and laughing about everything and anything. She was relaxing around me, and I was glad that I had gotten her to be able to relax and trust me. She did ask questions about Garrett, and I was more than happy to tell stories about him.

It was around one-thirty when she finally crashed, and I was jealous that I wouldn't be able to join her.

I shook my head and placed a blanket over her, leaving a note beside her to tell her that King Philip had said that it was fine for her not to work as a servant any more. The reason why was because by mateship to Garrett, she was considered a princess after all. I smiled at her one last time before making my way to my door and opening it to see Garrett beside it.

"I have been here since after dinner," Garrett said when he looked up to spy me. His hair was a mess, and he tired eye. He looked in my room to see that Sylvia was sleeping before looking back at me. Worry, fear, guilt, and pain filled his eyes as he tried to gauge my emotions about his mate and him. "Does she..."

I nodded my head and closed the door. "You are going to have to earn her forgiveness, but she does accept you as her mate." I gestured to his room. "Get some rest, she is safe in my room."

Garrett frowned and studied me. "What about you?" he asked. "You need sleep, too."

"I have the two to six shift," I replied. "I will get sleep afterwards. I promise."

Garrett's frown deepened before nodding his head, knowing that he wouldn't be able to change my mind. "I told my uncle that you are going to get some sleep after the shift. He doesn't expect you until noonish."

I nodded and smiled at the plans that Sylvia and I had made against Garrett. "Just to let you know, Sylvia is fine with us playing stuff on you," I said, smirking.

Garrett groaned. "Do I even know what you have planned?" he asked. He wiggled his eyebrows and gave me that annoying smirk that other girls found cute. "I think I know some stuff that I wouldn't mind having you do for me."

I shuddered and grimaced at he was suggesting. "You don't want to know, and if you have sex with anyone other than her, then I will break your dick off and shove it down your throat. That way you can please your own self."

Garrett narrowed his eyes, scowling. He knew that I would do it, because I had almost done it before but was stopped my Jack. "Fuck you," he said.

I shrugged. "I guess I am going to be the only one that is going to." And with that, I left followed by Garrett's snickering.  

Look Through My Eyes (Second bk of Acceptance Series) (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora