Chapter 26- Sam (Edited)

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I pursed my lips as I stared at the female in the mirror. She was was wearing a deep blue dress that was white around hems, the white indicating that I was the White Wolf. Her blonde hair was curled, the curls looking like waves. Her face was made up, causing the female to not look like me, and I hated it.

I took a deep breath and looked at the blue mask that went with the dress and sighed, shaking my head. I was nervous of what tonight would bring, and I couldn't help but wonder if I would actually get what I needed without having to sacrificing someone. My heart ached for Kerri because I could tell that this was going to be tough on her. I knew that that this was going to bring back memories and prayed that it wouldn't consume her mind. "Goddess, protect her," I whispered, leaning against the dresser that the mirror was placed on.

I knew that Kerri didn't want me to feel sorry for her, but I couldn't help it. I vaguely knew about the spell that was placed on Kerri, having studied it when I had been at the coven for a couple of months for a little more training and to make an alliance with them.

Kerri was strong, stronger than me and stronger than what people had thought. She was able to survive the loss of her mate and the loss of her family, even though she had became insane with grief.

I pursed my lips, for a minute hating what my grandmother had done to her. It was uncalled for, and there had to have been a better to do what she had to do without having to put another relationship in harm's way. All she had to do was think.

However, that was what I was doing with Sylvia and Garrett. I was putting their relationship at risk, so I guess that made me as bad as her. There wasn't another way for me to do what I had to do without ruining their relationship unless I wanted more lives lost. It was a small price that I had to pray, and I hoped that this would cause them to respect each other more and not hurt them in the future.

Someone knocked on my bedroom door and opened it, not hearing a response from me. "Sam?" a small voice asked, causing me to look at the door to see Sylvia staring at me with a nervous expression on her face. She shifted on her feet and looked down, not looking me in the eye. Her face was a mask, but I could tell that she was tired of all that had happened to her.

"What is it?" I asked, turning my whole body to face the female. My eyes scanned over her, making sure that there were not any injuries before looking her in the eye.

Sylvia cleared her throat and licked her lips. She loomed me in the eyes before looking down, acting like a submissive pup and not like the Warrior I knew she was. "The guests are arriving. The King is requesting your presence." She wanted to add something else, something about the King's brother but didn't know how. She didn't know if anyone was watching her, and I knew that they would be.

I took a deep breath and nodded my head, grabbing my mask for the masquerade ball. After I placed it on, I moved towards her and stopped in front of her.

Sylvia was tense, and I could tell she was wondering what I was going to do. She knew that I was dangerous when angered, and I think she was afraid of me or something. When she looked up, I offered her a small smile, causing her to relax and nod her head in a small way.

Silently, I told her that I knew that Victor was planning something. And silently, I told her that I was prepared to do whatever it took to defend the party guests.

Let's just hope that I didn't have to kill him before I found her parents. If I didn't, then I was sure I would have her hating my guts forever.


"Excuse me, may I have this dance?" a deep male voice asked, when I walked in. He didn't give me a chance to answer but pulled me onto the dance floor. A sneer was on Prince Victor's face, and I could tell that he didn't like me. Thankfully, the feeling was mutual. "Good evening, White Wolf," he said in a voice that dripped honey.

I pursed my lips as I looked at him in disgust. I knew that I could just break away from him, but I was going to just humor for a bit. "Victor," I said, coldly. "I thought I told you not to touch me, if you didn't want to be thrown out the window."

Victor chuckled, coldly. His dark brown eyes flashed with warning, and I could see the dislike in them. He gripped my back, trying to get me to wince but I didn't. "I knew you were just joking," he said. He smirked and leaned closer to my ear. "You know what would happen if you do decide to do that, don't you?"

I hid a shudder and smirked when he got into my face. "And, you know what would happen if you get on my bad side," I replied, flashing my teeth.

Victor chuckled. "Oh, and I can't wait to see what a little girl can do. I am sure it is going to be nothing harmful."

I raised an eyebrow and gave him an 'are you fucking kidding me look'. "You do realise that this "little" girl has powers. Correct?"

"Ah, but you wouldn't do anything without your little "King" ordering you to," he said. "You are just a puppet waiting for a master to pull your strings."

I smirked, making sure that he could see elongated teeth. I knew that I wss pissig him off by the fact that he was digging his claws into my back. "Ah, but this little puppet doesn't need a master," I said. "This puppet only listens because she knows that she can make or break the Werewolf community." My smirk deepened when he growled. "You on the other hand are a puppet with a master pulling your strings and making you dance. Tell me Pinocchio, what thoughts has your master placed in your head?"

Victor snarled and placed his face into mine. His breath stunk, and it took all of my willpower to not push him away and hold my breath. "You will watch it mutt," he snarled, baring his teeth at me like a Wolf. "We don't want your little mate to die, now do we?"

"Ex-mate," I clarified. I could feel Thomas's gaze on me but did not look in his direction. I prayed that he knew not to say anything, because I was doing this for our safety. "Kill him for all I care. I can find another mate, maybe someone who hasn't cheated."

Victor raised an eyebrow. He tried to see if I was bluffing but couldn't tell. He wouldn't do it. He knew it, and he knew that I knew it. It was too risky for him to do it without being told. "I would watch it if I were you," he warned. "Some people would actually do it."

I mocked sighed. "And, unfortunately to my distaste, he is still an innocent. So, that means I will have to kill whomever tries to harm something from his little head and send them back to you in a tiny box."

"Ah, but you don't want more innocent deaths on your head, don't you?" he asked. "I mean, your moves are being watched." He bowed and kissed my hand when the song came to an end and smirked. "Think about it."

I watched as he retreated and took the tracker he placed on me into my hands. "And I would be wary," I warned low enough that he couldn't hear me. "Your moves are being watched." And with that, I walked away leaving the crushed pieces of the tracker on the floor where I last stood.

Look Through My Eyes (Second bk of Acceptance Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now