Chapter 1

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Edward's POV:

I was in the piano room whilst the others have gone out hunting, when I heard Emmett's thoughts.

Yes! I can't believe we got into wife swap. Oops Eddies in the house. I better think of something else.

He then started to think of football. I was so angry that I almost ripped his head off.

"EMMETT" I yelled

"Yes Edward" Emmett said

"First, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me Eddie? Second, what the hell have you done? You know Carlisle will be pissed you know." I told him angrily.

"What will I be pissed about?" Carlisle said, whilst everyone else were behind him, piling into the living room. I looked at Emmett and then back at Carlisle.

"Well Emmett thought it would be fun if he signed us up for wife swap" I said whilst pulling Bella onto my lap.

"WHAT" they all yelled. They were second for a long time until Rose broke the silence.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT, YOU BIG LUMP? DID YOU EVEN THINK HOW ESME OR CARLISLE WILL FEEL?" Rose said hitting him on the head. She picked up the letter that was on the table and handed it to Esme.

The letter said:

Dear Mrs Cullen

We are happy to inform you that you have been accepted into Wife Swap. Also, the video was good and, the video is what had made us accept you. You will be swapping with Lucille Benson on the 10th February 2016. The camera crew will be there tomorrow and the limo will also pick you up at 10:00. We'll see you tomorrow

Yours faithfully
Wife Swap.

"Emmett the letter said a video. What Video?" Esme asked.

"Well you had to do a video for the entry. Would you like to see it" Emmet asked.

"Yeah." Claire said. We only had found her when she had come to Forks, for a holiday. We knew that we had a sister but she was taken by some really evil people ,the Moors, they had taken her because they knew that she was a vampire but then we had met her in Forks, with her husband Shane and best friends Michael and Eve. From that day on they have been living with us.

Emmett rushed upstairs to get the video and was back in a flash. He plugged the video camera in and the video started.

"Hi I'm Esme Cullen, I'm a stay at home type of wife. I clean the house when the kids are at school and in my free time I either go to the garden and look after my plants or go to the garden centre. I am also into interior design. Come on, this is my husband Carlisle" Esme's 'voice' said, whilst going into Carlisle's Office.

"He works in a hospital day and night, but still he makes time for his kids and me. He is a workaholic. This is my Eldest son Emmett." A picture of Emmett flexing his muscles appear.

"He is 19 and a prankster. He is in a relationship with Rosalie and is Edward's, Alice's, Michael's and Claire's brother. This is my eldest daughter Rosalie." A picture of Rosalie reading a fashion magazine appears.

"She is the beauty of the family and is also 19. She is in a relationship with Emmett and is the twin of Jasper and sister of Eve." Then a video of Alice dragging Jasper through the mall comes up.

"This is my other daughter Alice. She is 18 and loves to shop for everyone. She's a shopaholic and in a relationship with Jasper. She is the sister of Edward, Emmett, Michael and Claire. This is my son, Jasper, he looks like he is in pain but that's because of his past. He loves to read Civil War books. He is also 18 and Rosalie's Twin and Eve's brother. He is in a relationship with Alice and has emotional problems." Then a picture of Michael playing his guitar and Eve with her hands over his neck, listening to him play the guitar appear.

"This is my son and daughter, Michael and Eve. They are in relationship. Michael is 18 and so is Eve. Michael loves to play the guitar and spend time with Eve. He is loner. Eve Is a Goth who loves Michael's music. She either spends her time with Michael or with the rest of the family. But she is most likely to be with most of the family. Eve is also obsessive about the things she loves." Then a picture of Edward playing the piano with Bella with him, her head on his shoulder.

"This is my other son and daughter, Edward and Bella. Edward is 18 and so is Bella. Edward and Bella are in a serious relationship, so if anyone tries to come in between them then they will be dead, metaphorically speaking. You will only find Edward with Bella or with their 3 year old daughter. As well as in the piano room. Edward loves to play the piano and spend time with Bella and their daughter. Bella loves to read books and spend time with Edward. Bella is the sister of Shane. They are both depressed. Finally, my youngest son and daughter, Shane and Claire."  A picture of Shane and Claire pops up.

"They are both 17 and they both love each other a lot. Shane is the brother of Bella and Claire is the sister of Edward. Shane and Claire are always together, like the rest of my kids. Claire loves science and Shane loves to pull pranks with Jasper and Emmet. Shane has anger problems and Claire is the geek in the family. There you go, you have met all of my family and I hope you choose us for Wife Swap."

Once the video ends, everyone starts to shout, apart from Rose and Esme.

"WE ARE NOT DEPRESSED!" me and Bella shout.


"I AM NOT A GEEK!" Claire shouts.

"I AM NOT A WORKAHOLIC!" Carlisle yells.


" I AM NOT A SHOPAHOLIC! "Alice shouts.

" I AM NOT OBSSESIVE ABOUT THINGS!" Eve shouts at the top of her lungs.

" I AM NOT A LONER!" Michael yells.

" Now what?" Bella asked Esme.

"Looks like I will be going tomorrow. But at least it will be a perfect chance to help improve someone else's family." Esme said.

"Rose and Alice, do you mi..." before she could finish the sentence Alice and Rose were already upstairs.

"Where's Nesse?"  I asked Bella.

"She's with Dad."  Bella told me and I nodded my head.

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