Chapter 22

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Emmett's POV:

After hearing Edward's outburst at Lucille and what she said about our Nessie, all us kids decided to break all the rest of the rules in one day. So, all the couples are in their own rooms and doing whatever shit they want. Rose was talking to Alice in her room whilst I was working out. I had just finished my second set of push ups when my gorgeous wife walked into the room.

"Mal and Reggie are coming tomorrow." Rose said as soon as she woke into the room.

"How come?" I asked her and sat down on the bed.

"The kids wanted to come over and hang out with Nessie." Rose replied.

"Let's spend the whole day tomorrow with the whole family." I told her, and she nodded her head.

Claire's POV:

It was the next morning and as soon as Lucille came down, we all shot her a dirty look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked as if she didn't know what she did wrong.

"You know what you did." I told her, and I was about to say something else when Nessie ran up to me.

"Auntie Claire, can you make me some waffles and Mommy pancakes?" Nessie asked me.

"Of course, sugar." I told her, and she quickly hugged me before skipping off towards the boys.

"Move out of the way. I need to make breakfast for my niece and sister." I told Lucille, to which she completely ignored me and stayed where she was (in my way).

"Well your so-called sister can make her breakfast for herself and that brat of hers. You need to go to school." Lucille said.

"My priority is to make sure that my family is fed and healthy. Nothing is kore important than my family." I told her and shoved past her. I went into the kitchen and started to get the ingredients ready for pancakes and waffles. I decided to make some extra for Reggie and the triplets, because they will be hungry from the journey.

Once I had made the food, I walked into the living room to see Nessie trying to climb over Emmett and everyone cheering her on.

"Nessie, here's your waffles and Bella, your pancakes." I said giving them their plates respectively and sat down next to Shane, who grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, which caused me to smile up at him.

"You guys should be going to school." Lucille said as she walked into the room.

"Well we are not going today. My brother and his family are coming today, and we want to stay and welcome them. Carlisle knows, and he let us take the day off." Bella said and continued to eat her pancakes.

"There is already a lot of people in this house and now more are coming. Great." Lucille said under her voice, which we all heard because of our vampire hearing. Before any of us could say something, we heard the door slamming open and three little kids started to run over to us.

Edward's POV:
As the people who could eat, were eating, I decided to go and pick up some of the triplet's favourite food as well as Reggie's. Once I had finished the shopping I walked back inside the house and put the stuff in their places and as soon as I had finished doing that, the door slammed open. I walked into the living room to see three little kids running around and hugging everyone. I looked over at the door to see Reggie almost falling asleep.

"Reg, why don't you go and sleep in your room. I'll help Mal." I told him, and he looked at me with a small, tight smile.

"Thanks." He said and patted me on the back. He walked up the stairs and into the room that we had saved for them. I went outside to see that Mal was struggling to bring in all their luggage.

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