Chapter 21

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Lucille's POV:
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET INTO THE HOUSE?!" I shouted when I saw a grown man tickling a little girl, who looked like she was about 3 (I cannot remember how old Nessie was at the beginning of the book but let's just leave it at 3). As soon as I had shouted, they both looked at us and as soon as the little girl saw us, she ran straight for the Cullen's.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked her, as she walked over to Edward.

"Daddy, who is she? Where's Nana Esme?" The little girl asked Edward, which caused my eyes widen when I realised that this was the offspring of that bitch Bella and Edward. Now that I look at her, she's got Isabella's eyes and mouth making her look like her disgusting mother.

"Nana Esme's gone out for a bit. She'll be back once this week has finished." Edward told her.

"Who this lady then? Why she here?" The little girl asked.

"Lucille is just staying with us until Esme's coming back, poppet. It's your uncle Emmett's fault, he's the one who did the mistake." Isabella said.

"Uncle Emmy is silly." The little girl said, which caused everyone to laugh apart from me, I just glared at her.

"Oh, you're gonna get it brat." Emmett said, and the little girl started to run around the house with Emmett running after her.

"Jake, did you put her stuff in her room?" Isabella asked the man, who was standing next to the Cullen's with a fond smile on his face.

"No, Nessie wanted me to put it in your room. She said that she wants to sleep with her parents. She's been having nightmares recently." As soon as Jake said that, everyone's happy expressions changed from happy to worry especially Edward's. The little brat ruined my Edward's perfectly happy mood.

Edward's POV:
"No, Nessie wanted me to put it in your room. She said that she wants to sleep with her parents. She's been having nightmares recently." Jake told us, with a worried expression, which caused all of us to worry mostly because Nessie never has nightmares or fidgets in her sleep. She is a very peaceful sleeper.

The little brat ruined my Edward's perfectly happy mood. As soon as I heard Lucille's thoughts, I quietly growled so only the vampires could hear me. I was about to pounce on her when I suddenly felt calm. I looked to Jasper and silently thanked him to which he shook his head.

"What do you mean nightmares? She's never been like this before." Carlisle asked Jake.
"I don't know Carlisle. Charlie told me that every night this week she's been waking up crying and scared. He also told me that he's trying to call you guys, but no one picked up." As soon as he said that, we all looked at Lucille.

"See what you have done. This is all your fault." Bella told her, as she tried to control her anger.

"I have done nothing wrong." Lucille said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"You did nothing wrong. Guys, she did nothing wrong." Bella said with a laugh.

"You okay Bells?" Jake asked his best friend.

"Yeah, I'm fine Jake. It's just that this bitch took all our phones and my daughter needed me and I had no idea. Eddy, our daughter needed us, and we weren't there." Bella said with hurt shown evidently on her face. I was going to comfort her, but Nessie ran up to her mum and hugged her legs.

"Mummy don't be upset. I was scared but I'm not anymore because I have you, daddy and my whole family wiv me. Plus, I don't need you anymore because I am a big girl." Nessie said, which caused us to smile. Bella crouched down to her level and gave her a hug.

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