Chapter 12

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Edward's POV:

Lucille pushed Bella and her head hit the island. I quickly caught her before she touched the floor.

"Bella, wake up please." I whisper into her ear. I kept saying it to her until she closed her eyes. I looked at Lucille to see her looking scared. She came forward but I harshly told her to stay where she is. The guys had come in and called Carlisle a well.

"Take her into my study." Carlisle said and I nodded my head. I picked Bella up and took her into Carlisle's study with Carlisle behind me. Once I got into the study, I placed Bella, carefully onto the sofa and waited for Carlisle to examine her.

Esme's POV:

I had this feeling like something is wrong. I always get this feeling when something is wrong, it is a motherly instinct that I never had gotten before I had met Carlisle. If it wasn't for Carlisle then I would have been dead and I wouldn't have 10 amazing kids. Anyways, I decided to call Shane to see what was happening at home. I took my phone out of my pocket ad dialled Shane's number. He answered it after the third ring.

"Hey Esme, how are you?" He asks me.

"I'm fine. I have a feeling that something is wrong." I tell him.

"What do you mean, Esme?"

"What I mean is that do you know that feeling that I always have when something is wrong?"


"Well I have it now. So tell me what is wrong."

"Esme I'll tell you only if you promise not to worry because you know how much we hate to see you worrying."

"Okay, I promise."

"We were playing truth or dare and Rose dared Lucille to kiss Edward to get back at Bella for making her burn her clothes. Anyways, Bella was about to go for Lucille when she pushed her and Bella hit her head on the island and fell unconscious." He told me and I panicked.

"WHAT! Is she alright?" I asked Shane, worriedly.

"Yeah, Carlisle's checking her now." Shane told me and I calmed down.

"Okay I'll call you later to check up on Bella." I told him and hung up the phone.

I went downstairs to see Jessica and Jennifer doing their chores.

"Where's Kimberly?" I asked them, whilst sitting down. "She's doing her homework." Jessica replied.

"Esme, is everything alright?" Jennifer asked me.

"Yeah, everything is fine." I lied to them. I didn't want them to think bad of their mother.

"You sure." I nodded my head and went back into my room.

Edward's POV:

After Carlisle had checked Bella, he told us that she should be awake in an hour or so. I took her back into our room and put her on the bed. Once I had put her on the bed, I called Alice and the others into my room.

"Alice, how come you didn't see Lucille pushing Bella." I asked her.

"I don't know. This is the first time that this has happened." Alice tells me.

"How is she?" Michael asked me.

"She's fine. Carlisle said that she should wake up in an hour or so. Where's the bitch gone?" I told them.

"She's gone to bed. I feel like ripping her head off and giving it to the dogs." Eve said.

"I'm sorry, Edward." Rose tells me.

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