Chapter 3

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Esme's POV:

It was almost time to go, so I got my suitcase and went downstairs. My family was already downstairs, in a line by the door. I put my suitcase down by the sofa and went over to my family. I hugged Emmett and he got me in a bear hug.

"I'm sorry, mom." Emmett said.

"It's okay, sweetie." I said. I went along the line, hugging each one of my kids until I reached Carlisle.

"I'll miss you, darlin" Carlisle said to me.

"I'll miss you too, sweetie" I said to him. We then kissed and after a few minutes we heard the limo beep outside.

"I'll see you guys in two weeks. Look after yourselves and Emmett don't do pranks that will physically hurt her okay." I told them. They all nodded.

"We love you" They all said to me.

"I love you too" I said to them, whilst going outside.

Lucille's POV:

We, the driver and I, were driving into the forest. I couldn't help but think that they live in a shack and had very little resources because there were only trees everywhere and not a single house could be seen. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see where they live, but when the car stopped I opened my eyes and saw a four-storey house with glass walls.

I got out of the car and want inside the house. As soon as I entered the house, my eyes widened. The house was huge. I went in to see the kitchen, which was very big. On the island there was the manual, I thought that I will read it later when I have seen all the rooms. I went straight into the living room to see a big plasma screen tv, with a games box, a Wii and a pile of games near the tv. Then I looked all around the room to see that there is a wall full of movies and games, three love seats, a sofa and two armchairs. There was also a grand piano in the corner of the room and next to the piano was different types of guitars. I then went into the garage to see that it is full of cars and motorcycles. Only two out of the cars were missing.

"These children are so spoilt. I said to the camera. I then went back into the living room, and up the stairs. I went into the first room I see. I opened the door to see a salon there, full of make-up, hair accessories and all the things that are in a salon. I closed the door and went next to the door. I opened it, to find out that it is a library. The walls were beige and there was a sofa and two arm chairs in the middle of the room. I went into the next room to see an art studio. The room was a dark marron colour and the floor was covered in plastic. There was paint on the floor as well as paint brushes. The next room had nothing except a huge piano in the middle of the room. The next room was a recording studio and then the last room on the 2nd floor was a games room, which had a large flat screen TV on the wall. I had then gone upstairs to the 3rd floor and opened the first door that came in sight. The room was black with posters of cars and wrestlers al or the walls. There were clothes on the floor as well as a fashion magazine. There was also a king-sized bed in the middle of the room. I looked into the closet to see boys and girl's clothes in there. I was disgusted by this. Then there was another room that was exactly like this but the walls were red with pictures of skulls and death. There was also a king-sized bed but at the far end of the room. There was also a guitar stand and a mic in the room. I looked in the closet and saw boys and girl's clothes again. I then went into the other room to see a dark purple room with pictures of the family and there was also a king-sized bed in the middle of the room. This must be the master bedroom. I thought. I then went to the 4th floor to see what rooms were up there. The 4th floor was huge. I went to the room at the far end. I went in to see a navy-blue bedroom with a golden king-sized bed. There were shelves full of books and books. There were also piles and piles of music. I didn't bother to consider the closet because I know that there will be both girls and boy's clothes. I went to the next room to see what was in it. There were lots of chemicals in it and it looked like it was a lab. I exited the room to looked carefully at the door. There was a sign on the door that said Do Not Enter. and then it said Danger. I went into the next room to see more pictures of cars and there were also pictures of a guy and a girl cuddling. There was also a picture of a little girl who looks about 4/5. I looked in the closet to see that were only girl clothes for a 3-year-old. I went out and went into the last room, to see a pink room with civil war books and fashion magazines. I went into the closet to find out that it is twice as big as the other closets.

I went back into the kitchen to read the manual:

Dear new wife,

I'm Esme Cullen and my husband Carlisle works at the local hospital. Do not disturb him if he is at work or in his office at home, only if it is an emergency. He spends most of his time doing work but he spends more time with his kids and me. Carlisle and I have adopted 10 teenagers.

"10 teenagers." I said into the camera shocked.

Emmett: He is 19 and loves to prank people. He may look like a villain but he is a big teddy bear. It may look like he's on steroids but he isn't. He is related to Edward, Alice, Michael and Claire.

Rosalie: She is 19 and doesn't like new people. She can be a lot rude at first. She is the beauty of the family. She is Jasper's twin and Eve's sister.

Alice: She is 18 and is very hyper. She loves to shop for people and doesn't let anyone wear the same clothes twice.

Jasper: He is 19 and he may look like he is in pain but he is not, it is because of his past, please don't ask him about it.

Michael: He is 18 and he has just come back from his tour. He likes to spend time with Eve or the family but hates it when a stranger disturbs him when he is recording something or when they hurt Eve.

Eve: She is 18 and is a Goth. She likes to spend time with the family or Michael.

Edward: He is 18 and loves to play the piano. He is very close to Bella and is very protective about her and his sister Claire. He also has a 3-year-old daughter called Renesmee, who he is also very protective over.

Bella: She is 18 and loves to read. She is very close to Edward and very protective about him. Same with Renesmee. She is Shane's sister.

Shane: He is 17 and he loves to spend time with Claire. He can be very protective about her sometimes. If you put him with Emmett and Jasper then they can be a handful.

Claire: She is 17 and loves physics. She also loves to spend time with Shane.

Please don't ask anyone of them about their pasts as they do not like to bring it up.

We allow our children to date each other as they are not blood related. We don't have a problem with that, so you shouldn't as well. And they share a room as well.

"They allow their children to date each other and share rooms. That is the one thing that I am going to change" I said to the camera.

The couples are:

Emmett and Rosalie

Alice and Jasper

Michael and Eve

Edward and Bella

Shane and Claire

They do not have a dress code and they can go wherever they want to a long as they tell me or Carlisle where they are going. They can go into the forest whenever they want and come back whenever they want to. They also have their own credit cards with unlimited money in them.

Yours faithfully,

Esme Cullen.

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