Chapter 17

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Alice's POV:


"Calm down, Ali. We're coming." Claire told me as she, Shane, Eve, Rose and Michael come downstairs. I stuck my tongue out at her and she gave me a sweet smile instead.

"Jasper's gone hunting. Where are the others?" I asked them.

"Emmett's coming and Bella and Edward have gone to meet with Carlisle to get more information as to how Bella turned into half human." Rose told me and I nodded my head.

"Come on, let's go." Emmett says, once he came down.

"Come on then." I said and we left the house. I decided to let Jasper know where we are, so I mind-linked him.

Jazzy, we are at the mall. Once you have finished hunting, just come to the mall. I sent to my husband.

Okay. Jasper replied. Once we had reached the mall, we had all gone in our own separate ways. We were going to buy presents for Miranda and Charles and an outfit for the party. I was window shopping, when I saw a gorgeous dress. It was pink and was mid-thigh. At the top it had diamonds and rhinestones and was sleeveless. I went into the store and brought the dress, knowing for a fact that Jasper would also love to see me in that dress.

Once we had all brought the stuff that we needed, we went back to the house and found it decorated.

"How'd you like the house?" Bella asked us.

"It's beautiful but how come I never saw you lot decorating the house and where is Jasper? He was supposed to meet us up at the mall." I ask them.

"Because I'm a shield and Jaz didn't meet up with you at the mall because we needed his help to decorate." Bella tells me. I smiled at her and then all of a sudden, she had been slapped. We looked towards Bella's right to see Lucille standing there.

"HOW DARE YOU DECORATE THIS HOUSE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION?!" Lucille shouted and I quickly looked at Edward to see Jasper holding him back along with Emmett in case Edward did something that would reveal us all.

"Actually, we did get permission from our father." Jasper told her.

"Jaz, let me go." Edward hissed, so Jasper let Edward go but not before changing his mood.

"Really Jaz?" Edward whispered, so that Lucille couldn't hear us.

"You would have done something that would have revealed us and we know what the Voultori will do if that happens, so I had to do it." Jasper whispered and Edward just huffed.

"Eddie, I'm hungry." Bella told Edward.

"Alright, I'll whip something up for you." Edward tells her.

"There's no need to. There is already food made, she can eat that." Lucille told him.

"Nah, I always make the food when my girlfriend is hungry." Edward says and that's the truth. Even when Bella was a full Vampire, Edward would always find her something to feed off and then he would feed on an animal himself.

"Where did you guys go?" Lucille asked us and I could tell that she is losing her patience.

"Shopping. It's Miranda and Charles' anniversary so we had to go out and buy presents for them." Claire told her.

"As well as new clothes for the party." Rose said.

"HOW DARE YOU BREAK A RULE?!" Lucille shouted at us and because of our super hearing, we winced at her voice.

"Well our father said that we could go out and buy clothes and presents." Bella told her and walked upstairs to her room.

"Where the hell do you think you are going?" Lucille asked her.

"To my room." Bella told Lucille, rudely.

"Edward, I'll be upstairs." Bella told her husband.

"Okay." Edward replied and Bella continued to go upstairs to her room. We all decided to go upstairs and just talk. A couple of minutes later Edward came upstairs with Bella's food. He would've made it quicker but ever since Lucille had come to the house, she keeps on staring at Edward so he can't use his vampire speed to get things done quickly.

"Okay, so what did you buy?" Bella asked me, which caused a huge grin to appear on my face.

"Well for you I brought a blue strapless dress, which has diamonds on the top half of the dress. Edward has the same colour jeans and a black top. The boys have the same apart from the colour of the trousers. Rose and I have brought pink dresses but Rose's is long whereas mine is short. Eve brought a dark red and black maxi dress and Claire brought a nude colour dress. For Miranda and Charles, we brought them a picture frame that shows all the moments that they had shared together since the day that they had met." I told them.

"They'll love it and my dress better not be too short." Bella warned me.

"Don't worry Bells, it's not. It's just above your knee." I told her and she nodded her head.

"So what's the plan?" Claire asked.

"So at the party, we will break the next rule which is no touching each other. Every moment that we get we will all start touching our partners, even if it is a small thing, like holding hands or something." I told them and they all nodded their heads.

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