Chapter 24

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Once Lucille had walked away, we all sat down where we had previously been sitting before Lucille had decided to bring up her hate for the LGBTQ community.

"Let's just ignore her and plan what we are going to do today, so that we break the remaining rules that have been left. Let's just get it over and done with." I told them.

"What do you mean by remaining rules?" Mal asked.

"When Lucille had given us her rules that we had to follow for a week, we all decided that we were going to break a rule a day, but I've had enough of her and her attitude, so we are going to break the three remaining rules in one day." I explained to them, as they had no idea about the rules.

"Okay, that sounds fun especially if Lucille gets pissed off." Mal said.

"Which rules are left?" Reg asked.

"No credit cards, going to an after-school club/job and boys and girls are not allowed to share a room." Michael told them.

"So, what are we going to do?" Emmett asked me, which caused everyone else to look at me expectantly.

"For the no credit card rule, I was thinking we ask Carlisle to give us our old cards and then we transfer all of the money in our accounts to those cards and then instead of going to the after-school clubs or jobs we could take the kids out and give them a treat. We'll take them to the zoo and from then we'll decide on what to do. When we come back we will all go to our own rooms and just hang out there and pretend to sleep when Lucille comes to find us." I said and they all looked excited.

"Before going to the zoo, we will need to feed." Jasper said.

"He's right. How about this, whoever needs to go hunting will go and hunt whilst whoever is left will get Carlisle to give us our old cards and will transfer the money as well as getting the kids ready." Eve said and we all nodded our heads. We all got up and the vampires that needed to go hunting left for the forest whilst the people that were left over went to go and talk to Carlisle.

When the guys had gone to hunt, Reg and I went up to Carlisle's office.

"Carlisle are you in here?" I asked, after knocking on the door.

"Yeah, come in." He said, and we walked in.

"What do you guys need?" Carlisle asked as soon as we walked in.

"Can you give us our old credit cards back?" I asked him.

"Because, we have all decided to break the rest of Lucille's rules in one day because she insulted Reg and Mal and said that they are not fit to be parents because they are gay." I told him.

"Not only that she had made Lukas really scared. Honestly, I feel like strangling her after that, especially after what she had said in front of the kids." Reg said.

"What the fuck? Who does she think she is, saying all that bullshit in front of my grandchildren?" Carlisle said as he got up and went to get credit cards.

"here you go." Carlisle said and handed us our old credit cards. I took them and thanked him.

"Do you want to come with us? We are going to go the zoo and then do whatever the kids want to do." Reg asked him, to which he shook his head.

"I would love to, but I've got a lot of things to finish." Carlisle said, and we nodded our heads in understanding and walked out of his office.

"You transfer the money and I'll get the kids ready." I told my brother.

"Okay, just remember that Calum likes to choose out his own clothes." He told me, and I nodded my head. I passed him the credit cards and walked into Nessie's room.

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