Chapter 19

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So Sorry for not uploading. I have been busy with college and work but I will try to upload more often though there is no fixed upload schedule.


Bella's POV: 

After we had brought whatever we felt like buying, we went back home to see Lucille standing there looking angry.

"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU GUYS?" Lucille shouted, causing us all to wince because of our sensitive ears.

"We already told you where we were. We were out shopping." Alice told her, walking past her but got pulled back by Lucille, which caused Jasper to quickly catch her and to growl at Lucille but was stopped by Emmett.

"Don't" Emmett whispered.

"You are all grounded. So straight after your after-school clubs, you will come straight back here, and you are staying in your rooms." Lucille said and walked away. We rolled our eyes and walked up to Alice and Jasper's room.

"I honestly feel like killing her." Jasper said, which caused us all to laugh.

"Trust me bro, we all want to kill her." I told him.

"So here is the plan for tomorrow. Bella will go to McDonalds but will mess up everyone's order and will be mean to all the customers and the staff. Edward, you will go to the Music Factory and you will play all the instruments before destroying them, but you will tell the owner that you will pay for the damage and Emmet and Shane you will both skip football club. Claire and Rose, you two will also be skipping cheerleading and Michael when you go to the hospital you will do everything wrong but not harm the patients and you will spend most of your time in Carlisle's cabin. Eve, you will be mean to the customer's which should not be that hard for you." As soon as Alice said that, chuckles escaped from all our mouths and smirk was formed on Eve's face.

"Jasper will publish all the wrong information in the school newspaper, even though no on reads that anymore and I will ruin all the art supplies." Alice told us and we all nodded our heads. After we were told that we all went downstairs to find Charles and Miranda. We couldn't find them, so I took out my phone to call them. I first rang Charles, who didn't answer so I rang Miranda, who answered after the third ring.

"Miranda, where are you and Charles?" I asked her.

"Sorry Bells, we had to go the hospital. I wasn't feeling to well." As soon as Miranda told me that, my eyes widened.

"Are you alright? Why didn't you or Charles call us?" I asked her. I looked up to see that the whole family, minus Esme and Carlisle, was looking at me concerned.

"I didn't think it was important but now, I really need my family with me." Miranda said.

"Don't worry Mir, we are on our way." I told her and hung up.

"Come on, let's go. Miranda and Charles need us." I told them and we all made our way to the hospital.

Miranda's POV:

"Charlie, I'm hungry." I told my handsome boyfriend.

"Come on, I'll get you some food." He told me, and we walked out of the Cullen household.

"What do you feel like eating?" Charlie asked me.

"Um.... how 'bout Taco Bell?" I asked Charlie and he nodded his head. He drove us to Taco Bell but before we got out of the car, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

"B... babe." I whimpered.

"What happened, babe." Charlie asked.

"I don't know. My stomach is hurting me really badly." I told him.

"Let's take you to Carlisle." Charlie told me, worriedly and started to drive towards the hospital.

By the time, we reached the hospital, the pain had worsened.

"Just hold on, baby. We are at the hospital." Charlie told me and quickly got out of the car. He came to my side, picked me up and went inside.

"Where is Carlisle Cullen?" Charlie asked the receptionist.

"What's the problem?" The receptionist asked.

"My girlfriend is pregnant, and she is getting pains and we don't know why."

"Well, let me get a doctor."

"Get us Carlisle."
"I'm sorry but you don't get to decide, which doctor you have."
"I know that. But we need Carlisle." As the receptionist was about to say something. Carlisle walked in.

"Charles, Miranda what's wrong?" Carlisle asked.

"She's pregnant and she's not supposed to get pains, now is she?" Charlie asked, which caused Carlisle's eyes to widen.

"No. Come with me." Carlisle said, worriedly. We followed him to his cabin. When we reached his cabin, Charlie put me on the bed and Carlisle checked me, whilst Charlie stood there, worriedly.

"What have you eaten?" Carlisle asked me.

"Nothing? We were just going to get something to eat." I told him.

"I'll give you something for the pain, but I don't know if it will work on you." Carlisle told me, and I nodded my head. Carlisle then gave me some medication for the pain.

"Why did I get the pain?" I asked Carlisle.

"What I think that this pain is because of the fact that both of you are half vampires and this baby is a full vampire, so it is growing faster, which is why you will be experiencing this type of pain." Carlisle told me.

"Will she be okay?" Charlie asked him.

"Yeah she will. What I will suggest is that you both stay with us until the baby is born so that you guys have someone to check over Miranda and the baby." Carlisle told us.

I was about to say something, but my phone rang. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw that Bella was ringing me.

"Where are you guys?" Bella asked me as soon as I answered it.

"Sorry Bells, we had to go the hospital. I wasn't feeling to well." I told her.

"Are you alright? Why didn't you or Charles call us?" Bella asked me.

"I didn't think it was important but now, I really need my family with me." I told her.

"Don't worry Mir, we are on our way." Bella told me and hung up.

"Is the pain medication working?" Carlisle asked me and I nodded my head.

"The pain is going down a bit." I told him.

"Thanks Carlisle." Charlie told him.

"Why are you thanking me, Charlie. You guys are like my family. I would do anything for you, the same way I would do anything for my own kids." Carlisle said, which caused us to smile.

"Now come on, let's feed this one or she's going be biting our heads off." Carlisle said. We nodded our heads. I got off the bed with Charlie and Carlisle's help. As we left Carlisle's cabin, we were met with the rest of the family.

"Miranda, are you okay?" Claire asked me.

"Yeah. I have to tell you guys something." I told them.

"Your pregnant." Rose said.

"You're not mad." I asked her.

"Nope. As long as you let me be the baby's godmother." Rose said, and I nodded my head.

"Where are we going?" Emmett asked.

"To get some food." Charlie said.

"We'll get Lucille and then we'll go and get some food." Carlisle said, to which we groaned but agreed.

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