Chapter 7 - The Outburst

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Amity P.O.V

After I dropped off Isabelle. I went directly to Ethan's house. Never in a million years had I expected Isabelle to be pregnant at sixteen years old. Most of my friends have had 'the scare', but they sleep with a majority of the class.

I snuck into his house when I realized that his parents gone out. He sat there with his eyes glued to his screen and his thumbs moving furiously. Before he noticed me he threw the controller across the room and cursed, "Fuckhead. Fuck. Hi baby," his words drastically sounding sweeter than they had seconds before.

"Hi, You need some good luck?" I smirked as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Yep," he popped the 'p', "but, how'd you get in? I thought I locked the door."

"Your parent's cars were gone so I let myself in through the back," as I heard myself a little crazier than it did in my head.

"They went out for my brother's banquet dinner for soccer."

I continued to watch him play his game. I really was getting uninterested in the constant shooting of his video game, so I rang Cece, Josh, and Savannah. Considering Ethan's parents coming home soon. I asked everyone to go to the movie theater. They all agreed.

I couldn't stop thinking about Isabelle, specifically when his tongue was down my throat. If we weren't careful we could be in the same situation. That's why I abruptly stopped our heated make-out session.

"What?" He whispers with confusion written all over his face.

"Nothing," I shake my head and turn my attention to the movie screen.

No one was paying attention to the movie. Cece had complained about Ryder the whole ride her, she was in no mood for the movie. Josh and Savannah were exchanging memes and videos found on their social media.

Ethan and I were forced to watch the movie we all reluctantly decided on. I would occasionally peek to get a sense of his mood. I assume it was angry because he wouldn't even look me in the eye. "Hey, you okay?"

He just shook his head with his eyebrows still furrowed.

"It doesn't seem like it," I whispered.

"You're the one with the problem," he may have said a little too loud for my liking. Even Cece and Josh got distracted from their activities.

"What, because I actually might want to watch the movie?" which was not true.

"Why? You weren't so interested before," he had a very great point.

"Just want to slow down a little."

He didn't question it again, but is still clearly angry. Cece was still very concerned with conversation as well.

The movie finished. Some war was over, but that's all I received from the viewing. I really wanted to give Ethan a further explanation, but not sure how as he won't stop to look at me. Not only that, I'm not sure why myself. We reached the exit and I finally grabbed a hold of his arm. "Talk to me," I command.

"Why?" he asked with the utmost attitude while pushing my hand away.

Cece, Josh, and Savannah looked at us with concern. I shooed them towards the car, but Cece took the advantage to use the restroom. "Is this about the kissing?"

"Yeah, what was that? You want to slow down."

"I don't why you mad."

"It was sudden and I just want to show you affection."

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