Chapter 9 - The Date

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 Ryder P.O.V

It was Saturday and Isabelle agreed to go out me. I struggled to tell my parent and to talk to Isabell without distractions. I want everything to do with the baby.

It was seven p.m. and was more nervous than I had been in my life. Showed up in my jeans and a buttoned up t-shirt. It was the nicest thing I had other than the black suit I only wear for my parent's formal dinners. Anna, Isabelle's mother, opened the door, greeted me, and insisted me on calling her so. I walk up the stairs heavy to delay it a little and give me some time to think. This girl was making me crazy.

"Isabelle," I spoke expecting a response, "Izzy you in here.

I was getting a bit uncomfortable believing I may have taken the wrong directions. I open the door to plain white walls and a bed center of her small room. She sat at a little desk right of the door. She remained unresponsive because the earbuds plugging her ears and her eyes directed at some paperwork. I lightly tap her on the shoulder. She lets out a small shriek, "You scared the living shit out of me."

"Sorry, there's a place for you at dinner and have a surprise. That's still if want to come," I murmur.

"Of course," she tugs the last of her earbuds and stands up. On her body lied a short pink loose dress. Makeup creating her emerald eyes to be alluring. I have never seen her, not like this. I think she noticed my staring, "What?"

"Nothing," I smiled at her confused facial expression.

She brushed herself off. Grabbed her bag, and landed her hand on the upper right-hand side of my back.

"Ready," she announces.

Her mom would take occasional glances over at us between the time on the stairs and the exit. Isabelle caught on and pushed harder on my back. "My mom can be a little," she thought on further, "embarrassing."

"Parents all are. Trust me."

"You say that a lot. And you don't say much," she states opening the door to the car.

"Say what?"

"To trust you."

I have never been on an actual date. Not one where I dressed up at went to dinner anyway. I planned to have a dinner at a restaurant that sat above the lake. I took the initiative to get a table that looked on to the water. I also wanted to have a walk on the waterfront.

Isabelle was astonished by the view as the waiter lead us to our table. She sat open-mouthed at the moon reflected lake. "You take all your dates here?" she inquired.

"No, just you." I smiled

"This place is a little expensive. Not that I'm complaining but...," she stuttered.

"It's fine," she shook her head so I insisted, "Honestly, it's nothing."

"So, it's nothing," she joked.

"You know what I mean."

"Do I?'

Isabelle P.O.V

Tonight had taken some unexpected turns. Ryder took me to the nicest restaurant in town. What I did expect was some fast food place like any normal junior in high school. With Ryder's family's money, I guess it made this possible.

He wore a black button up t-shirt with his hair slicked back. I didn't think he took this as serious as I did. I also thought we just came to talk, but a place like this one meant more than 'we need to talk'.

"I didn't even know this place was here," I confessed. I lived here all my life, I know where everything is.

"Really? My parents have dinners here all the time," he disclosed.

"We couldn't afford something like this." It was slightly awkward. He didn't know what to say.

The waiter returned with menus and glasses of water. I began flipping through the menu. There was the majority of the text I didn't understand. "What is this?" I giggled pointing at 'Escargots à la Bourguignonne'.

He laughed, "Snails."

"Gross," giving him a disgusted expression. His smile maintained its place on his face, whilst he debated on his meal. "What are you eating?"

"I don't know yet." I was going to get what he gets because I don't know half of my choices and I don't know how good the food is.

I toss the menu to the center of the table, "Well I'm not eating snails. I'll just get what you're having."

"You sure?"

"Yes, my palate isn't up to par. My diet consists of take out and the school cafeteria. I can say I have never eaten escargot."

"My mom likes it."

"She's nutty," he laughs at my comment towards his mother. Glad he didn't take it the wrong way.

He came to a decision. He settled on steak, but I changed my side from potatoes to a salad. The service in this place was great, quick and fast.

When we weren't chewing we talked about school, friends, and home. I mentioned my brother's vacation this weekend with his father, stepmother, and half-sister. And how they did things like that all the time while I was stuck at home. My brother was spoiled all around. He brings home new things all the time. Ryder talked about how it was pretty similar to his house too. Except for the oversea summer holidays, he had gone on, but other than that his house was empty. We joked around together about Ethan and some of his other friends. I was really enjoying this, and the exquisite scenery.

"Desert?" Ryder asked.

"I'm full," I admitted despite the delicious chocolate cake that was given to a couple across from us.

"Let's go. I have more plans," he said enthusiastically.

A short drive later, we parked at a vacant shore. The moon reflected along the length of the lake. Ryder walked ahead of me. He was never happy, let alone this excited. I watched him skip. Well not exactly, but he might as well have. "You're a weirdo," I state.

"Come on," he pulled by hand closer to the lake. He's like a kid in a candy store. We kicked our shoes off and stuck our feet in. It was cold. "I had a lot of fun tonight."

"Yeah, It was really fun." Dates weren't my thing. Not that I didn't want to, just more like no one to take me on one. I guess it takes you getting pregnant to get a date.

I kicked up some water, getting Ryder slightly wet. I laughed at the accidental splash. He reciprocates my actions, coating my legs in water. "I didn't mean to," unable to control my laughing.

We stood there for a moment, the world around us didn't exist. Like we aren't here because we have an unplanned pregnancy. And things like my father, financial troubles, or a baby were apart of my life. His eyes shimmered with moonlight as they buried themselves in mine. My heart racing and the lake gently crashing ashore filled my ears. It was perfect.

He breaks eye contact, grabs the sides of my face, and pushes his lips on mine. This was nothing like our first one. I don't remember too much, but it was sloppy. He lifts me up and deepens the kiss. It got a little carried away. We were begging for air at the end of it. He put me down and kicked more water up against his leg. He looks down shocked and then at my grin. The rest of the time we ran up the shore chasing each other. When he caught me he picked me up and didn't let me down until we left. If this is how Ryder acts without the input of anything else than maybe there is a small chance I could keep the baby.

Before the night got any older, Ryder obeyed my mom's rule to have me back by eleven. He gave me one last kiss and went home. Mom stood hovering on the stairs. "You like that boy, huh?" she asked.

"Maybe, he hasn't been the nicest in the past. I don't think he's going to change overnight," I say trying to be realistic.

She nodded and let me cruise past her. I couldn't stop thinking about him for the rest of the night. 

The Bad Boys BabyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora