Chapter 24 - The Reunion

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Isabelle's P.O.V

After walking home from school, I rushed my clothes on for the last day at work for a while. Amity met me at my house, and sat on my bed, staring at me. "You okay?"

She hasn't stopped asking questions. "Hello? What happened? What'd he say? You Alright? Oh my gosh, Isabelle. Tell me!"

"You were there. It's not that big of a deal," I shrug.

"You're okay?" She looks confused.

"Fine," I say matter of factly.

She rolls her eyes, not taking me seriously, and flops down on the bed making a large poof sound. I take out my name tag and pin it to my black uniform. I don't think I'd take myself seriously either.

I grab my school clothes and threw them on top of my laundry hamper. "I'm leaving now," I warn her.

She doesn't budge. "Bye."

This time she slowly gets up and stares at me. "I won't take you until you tell me the truth," she says.

There is no truth to tell. She saw what happened and until the baby comes out of me, I am no longer obligated to discuss anything with him. "About what?"

"You know what. Tell me!"

"I'm great. Now let's go before I'm late," I protest. I then walk out and give her less room to talk.

I began walking. She threatened to not take me, so I'll just get there myself. I knew she was kidding, but I think I need some air from her repetitive questioning. "I was kidding," she yelled from the front door.

I really didn't mind it. The walk. I had been heavier. I was caring quite a large child. My back ached. So did my feet. All of it sounds better than being hounded over something I feel I have no control over, but because of it, she wasn't going to let me. That's exactly what she did.

The small few blocks to Lily's was a road trip. Amity blasted music and danced along, but before she tried cheering me up, she bombarded me with questions. I don't understand why she won't quit. I didn't answer them earlier. Why now?

Once we arrived at Lily's Diner, Amity had quickly followed. I never understood why she had so much time on her hands to just follow me around. She had a boyfriend, a family, and tons of other friends for her to go hang with, yet, she sits in a booth directly across the counter to keep an eye on me.

I clocked in and took an apron off one of the few hooks and placed it over my head. It was now 4 o'clock. I've already taken a 45-minute walk from school, so let's say I was grateful for the very few people I had to serve.

It was a long night. Amity did not once dare to leave. I spent most my time convincing her to do so. For some odd reason, Lily's hadn't been very packed for a Friday. There weren't any events, on the top of my head, that would completely wipe out customers; so instead, I sat at the booth with Amity and a large chocolate shake, waiting for anyone at all to walk in. And as for everyone else, they left.

Lily comes out of the back, hands filled with folders and a bag full of take-out. "Hey, I've got to get home. Can you close up for me and just give the keys by tomorrow? It's a bit of an emergency," She says, stressed. I was going to ask what's wrong but before I could I nodded and she made her way out the door.

The bell from the door rang and Amity and I looked at each other. I've never closed before. I didn't know what to really do. Amity laughed and took a look around. "No one's coming," she insinuates.

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