Chapter 10 - The Reassurance

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  Isabelle P.O.V

It has been a week since our date on Saturday. Not a hello or a text acknowledging my existence. He hadn't even shown up to school, not that I'm sure. So I sat pathetically in each class for a boy who didn't give me a second thought.

Yesterday was my doctor's appointment which I would've had a ride to if mom didn't leave on a mandatory business trip, Ryder answered his calls, or I didn't tell Amity I didn't need her. Regretting that as of now. So now my first ultrasound is on next Wednesday when mom returns.

Caroline was my only friend. Noah has dropped all calls too. "What you want to do?" She threw her belongings to the ground.

"Please, come up with something. I'm granny that likes puzzles and thinks 9 o'clock is late, remember?" I laugh.

"Uh, why didn't you call Ryder?" She questions.

"He hasn't talked to me since the date and because you're my friend."

She smiles, "You showing?"

I frown, "No, this is food. I'm only like five weeks pregnant." This fetus is the size of a blueberry, well I think.

She acts like she sees a ghost. I'm her friend, not a stranger. Maybe things haven't been the same since I don't hang with her and Amity. We were all good friends in middle school but drifted in high school. "What's wrong?"


"You talk to Noah?" I bring up the one thing we have in common.

"Yes, he and Jessie are apparently 'Back together' he might go see her for winter break."

"They're back together?"

"Mhm, she is moving back from L.A."

"Really so he's coming here?"

Caroline nods, her golden locks shake along with her head. The conversation about Noah continues. "Well let's call him," I suggest.

"Hello," we synchronized. Noah's hair sopping wet, no shirt, and uninterested depicted on his face.

"Boy, why didn't you tell me about Jesse? And you might come to visit? What is wrong with you?" I chastise.

The frown on his face worsens. Silence fills the room. He just shrugs. "I don't know. I might not go," He states, throwing the towel, that was once on his head, on to the floor.

I fumed and if he wasn't going to see Jesse then why not come to see me, us? "Why?" I remark.

"Jesse. She might not be there the whole time and I don't know the money?" He shakes his head. "I don't want to waste a plane ticket for nothing," Noah lets out slowly.

I blinked several times out of distaste. Really? Again, why can't he just visit? "And why does one not want to see their best friends for a change," I articulate. "Fuck Jesse. I want to spend time with you."

Caroline and Noah began laughing. I'm serious. Dead serious.

"Yeah," Caroline spits out and starts giggling.

He places his palm on his face and shakes his head. "I'll even help pay." I offer. Soon to note that I barely had money to get a pregnancy test let alone help pay for a plane ticket.

"No, that's not necessary. I just thought you had this thing with Ryder or whatever. I don't know."

"Trust me you don't have to worry about that. Ryder is.." Where is Ryder? Was he ignoring me? "Isn't talking to me at the moment."

"What happened? What'd you do?" Noah interrogates, while Caroline's intrigued eyes pinned me down.

"Uh," I didn't know. Did I do something? "Nothing. He just hasn't been around, for a week."

Ryder has been M.I.A. I can't bother with the extra drama. I'm stuck with one baby. I don't need another.

"Okay, I'll do it." He exclaims forcing me to jump from surprise.


My thoughts were flooded with Ryder. We were reminiscing with Noah over Facetime. All that led up to me getting me pregnant by Ryder. We watched a chick flick. Ryder cuddled with me and actually watched a movie with me last Friday. Ryder, Ryder, Ryder.

"Bye, my mom's here," she shouts from halfway out the door.


I'm all alone again.

Five weeks pregnant and alone. What else was I to expect when expecting? I can't have 'real' fun. I guess it's not like I really had 'real' fun. When I did, I was stuck with extra hormones and a growing belly.

A few nights solus, my mother finally returned from her trip to Philadelphia, as so with Matthew from his vacation. Matthew came with little Hawaiian nick nacks, t-shirts, and darker skin. Along with that a stench. Mom, on the other hand, was worn like sleep has never existed. As dreadful it was to see as pale and saggy she was, Matthew's smell was rank.

"Damn, you get skunked?" I cursed. Mother not too pleased. "You are absolutely disgusting. They leave you out with fishes? It's like you haven't taken a shower since you left," Matthew says nothing in response and scratches the top of his head. "You didn't. You pig," I laughed.

"Stop teasing your brother," my mom interjects. She pushes his back and whispers, "Get in the shower."

Her eyes divert back to me and then the door as the doorbell rang. "I'll get it. Go relax," I assure her.

There I go turning the knob. As it swung open, on the other side stood Ryder. He's hair drenched, eyes darkened, and smile pasted to face. Earlier it was nice, sunny, and bright. Now, it's dark and gloomy, like this boy has an ominous cloud hanging over his head. He didn't just bring drama. He was drama.

"No," I attempt to slam the door in his face.

"Just hear me out. Please, you can trust me," he pleads.

'Trust me'. Yeah, right. 

"No, you had no problem ignoring me."

"Please, Izzy."

"No, I'm done." I step back on the verge of tears. "You were gone. You have no right now," I shake my head. "You left when I really needed you. I had an appointment, really needed a ride. You knew that though. I've messaged you for the past week. If it's 'cause the date and you figured you don't like me like that, then it's fine, but I'm carrying your child. This isn't a game. At least not one I'm going to play."

"Izzy," he cries out.

I didn't want to hear it. "This was just reassurance. You can't just leave or drink or get high as a means of getting away. Being a parent is a full-time job. We are teenagers, Ryder. You and I can't have a kid. Not when I'm going to be all alone."

"Izzy," he stutters.


He needed to understand that. I don't want my baby to grow up with an alcoholic, druggy, or non-existent father. It doesn't matter, no doubt in my mind. I'm giving the baby up for adoption. 


      Hope you guys had a great holiday. I apologize for not updating for nearly a month, but my month was extremely busy and Wattpad was having issues. I hoped you enjoyed the update and I get to update regularly now. Thanks for reading. 

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