Chapter 14 - The Ultrasound

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Isabelle P.O.V

"Fuck," I mumbled to myself.

That guilt I feel whenever I disappoint Ryder is overwhelming. It feels like breaking a promise to a little kid that disowns you after. I don't know why I feel bad, I did nothing wrong, except lie to him the last couple of days to hang out with Noah. The last thing I wanted is my baby's father and my best friend to hate each other, although I had no choice, they hated each other no matter the reason I liked them.

Ryder almost disgusted just stares at him like an animal about to pounce on his prey. I'm surprised he didn't with his temper. As for Caroline, she might as well have been jumping up and down in excitement. The grin plastered on her face was pulled to each side of her face.

"Why are you here Ryder?" I question, genuinely curious about how he found my current location.

"Oh, I saw him sitting outside at the end of his driveway on the way here, so I asked him if he would like to join us," she answers the question specifically meant for him but that works too.

"What were you doing at the end of your driveway?" I throw another question his way.

Him obviously being angry with me shrugs his shoulders and looks towards the lake avoiding all eye contact. Caroline shivers and looks at Noah wide-eyed. Noah stiffens under my touch as he notices the awkward atmosphere. Caroline, not comprehending the tension, asks, "Are you guys dating? You guys were going to kiss and don't give that 'it's not what it looks like' shit. Omg... What about Jess?" she puts her hand over mouth.

I was going to do it. I wasn't stopping it. He wasn't stopping it. Caroline sure did though. At this moment in time, I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or relieved. Maybe relieved. But what if.

This was no time to think. Caroline is running into every conclusion and Ryder sat there conjuring inappropriate thoughts that could possibly get someone killed. I'm not kidding either, he was oddly possessive and I had only known him for a few short weeks, not including the conception of the human being inside me.

That is so surreal. A human being is growing inside.

Ryder almost had an obsession with me and the baby. If it didn't go his way, he was the arrogant fuckboy everyone knows and dislikes.

Before Caroline could make any more assumptions I ask Ryder, "Can we talk?"

Ryder's stubborn ass ignores me so I snatch his arm and drag him somewhere with a little more privacy. I wave at Noah and Caroline me to ensure I will be returning but Noah's disappointment shot another wave of guilt over me. Honestly, I don't know how I feel anymore. My life before Ryder was easy and simple. No drama, no baby, no Ryder, and that was smooth sailing. With the baby comes Ryder and with Ryder comes drama. But now Noah. I don't want to drop Ryder (like that's easy) or stop talking to Noah.

I had a plan with my life and boy trouble was the last thing I thought would be the death of me.

"Talk to me. What's wrong? Why were you sitting outside of your house this early?" I try to get any response. Anything would help my uneasiness even another dumb shrug.

"Why are you out with him this early?" he counters.

He did have a good point. The park is a dumb idea, in the winter and seven o'clock in the morning. I was cozy in my oversized hoodie and thick sweatpants; it was nowhere near as cold as it was on Christmas.

"It's his last day here. Thought we visit our favorite park."

"You know what I mean."

"I actually don't," I lie.

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