Chapter 20 - The Disappearance

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       Isabelle's P.O.V.

       An entire month went by and I haven't heard a single peep from Ryder. He hasn't bothered to go to school, call me, or even text me. I'd hate to assume the worst had happened to him, but when someone falls off the face of the earth I can't help to be worried. My mind has also been boggled with other possibilities of never seeing him again and this relationship being over. That scared me the most although he is rude and completely inconsiderate; I needed him. It's terrifying having the possibility of being a single parent. 

        I've gone as far as stalking his Instagram and Snapchat. Nothing. Actually, there hasn't been anything in days. 

       I'm 7 months pregnant, alone and since he's gone I'd taken the liberty in choosing names. Some comfort has been taken as of now; I don't have to worry about Ryder interjecting every single name I suggest. I wanted her name to be unique but meaningful. I like Marie and Anna; I want to name her after my mother or Ryder's, but if Ryder isn't going to be in her life then I might as well keep her out of his. 

       Names sounded nice but after hours of searching the internet and various baby books; it becomes redundant and instills more worry in me over Ryder. Frankly, a pool of emotions consumed me. Should I be mad or should I be scared? Nothing was going to change the fact he isn't here.

      Taking my white, fuzzy throw blanket I wrap it around my shoulder to protect me from the midnight breeze that slips its way into the house. Pushing and dragging my feet on the carpet, I walk downstairs for some hot cocoa. I let a couple cups of water boil and cool before adding the mix. Not touching the cocoa until I get back up the stairs, I walk into my mom's room and cuddle up in her bed. I take a sip and wrap my blanket tighter around me. Again, thoughts, worry and anger swirl in my head, making my brain bang again my skull with every thought. I needed to keep myself busy. It's the only thing that ever gets my mind off things, but for some reason, he has me hooked. 

      After a long night of headaches and constant anxiety, I finally fell asleep. Dreaming isn't something I do often, and when it does I love it. I barely remember what it looked like but the feeling to escape your own reality, even your own head, can be freeing. What I do remember was my bright, blond baby girl. She made me happy and that's all I could ask for. Happiness. 

       Mom was a little bothered by my visit, however. Maybe it was tossing and turning or the loud mumbling, she claims I had been doing, but I slept well and that's what truly mattered at the moment. With that being said, she was sure to get in her morning coffee before her drive to work. 

      "Hey girlie, you look better," Amity nods, giving me her approval over my current appearance. I had gotten sleep finally after weeks and maybe my eyes aren't so droopy. I also bothered to get dressed and ready for school this morning after mom left. 

       "Yeah, slept great last night. I think I need to get me a pillow top mattress. That thing was comfy," I affirm, shaking my head in disbelief at the comfort of my mom's bed and exaggerating the word comfy. 

        As I situate myself and close the passenger-side door, I apply some chapstick and rest my aching head back on the headrest. It hadn't even been a minute and I'm already exhausted. We aren't even at school yet.  

      Head still pounding and mouth still yapping, I cool my head down with a water bottle I got after breakfast and Amity continues to fill me in on her and Ethan. I love them both dearly, but today is not the day. 

      "You hear anything from Ryder?" Breanna catches up to my side (Shouldn't have been hard. My pace nowadays is a solid 1.5 miles per hour at best.) and asks.  We all continue to walk to an empty bench as I come up with some explanation. 

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