Chapter 17 - The New Girl

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Isabelle's P.O.V.

I've spent days- no weeks- on this whole job hunt thing. I've done everything within walking distance, and nothing. I applied online to other places as well but no luck there either. Ryder wasn't any help. I'd plead him to talk to his parents after the obnoxious late nights.

 You would think he's the baby. 

My alarm clock screams at me. I hated early mornings. Especially the ones with Ryder twisted within my limbs. I love the boy but could he be any more helpful. After failed attempts at slamming the snooze, Ryder groans in my ear giving me no choice but to manually shut it up (That being the alarm clock, not Ryder, although I wish I could at times). I wish I still had the excuse of not being able to share a room with him but mom eliminated it when Ryder promised to have me up and at' em. He didn't stick to that but the opposite of it occurred; he kept me up and I woke him up in the morning. 

"Ryder," I moan stretching my sore limbs. 

"Mhm," he groans turning over snuggling into one of my throw pillows. 

"Get up."

"10 more minutes."

"You said that yesterday and we missed 2 periods. C'mon." 

I remove the covers on me, releasing the heat into the cold air around. Shivers are dispersed throughout my body as my feet hit the freezing floorboards. Opening the blinds to the dim room, Ryder groans while he tugs at the rest of the comforter, and my eyes temporarily see dots as remove them from the direct light. I rock Ryder a few inches before yelling, "Get up!"

"Uh, fine," he contradicts his actions by laying still. Ignoring it I get ready in hopes he eventually does the same. 

Putting the last touches of the outfit on, I stand in front of the mirror to feel disastrous. Bright colors blurred as a result. I rushed back limply dragging my noodles of legs with me, pulling the tight lilac shirt over my head. A giant grape is one thing I'm not trying to look like at school. But whether my shirt is orange, green, or red I would resemble some sort of fruit and with a bump like this, it was inevitable.  

Exposing my bra, I search for some decent clothing that didn't make me look ginormous. I thought I'd enjoy my bump but with the stares, I'm one hundred percent guaranteed I'll get, I won't. Chuckling comes from behind me as I'm bent over, rustling my clothes from their drawers. 

"Look who decided to get up, finally," I mumble before catching sight of Ryder. 

He salaciously looks me up and down and with my hormones, he could get anything he desired but I needed him to have control when I had none myself. 

"Ryder, please, get up or we will never get out of here." Knowing that would make Ryder happy I corrected myself, "No, don't even think about it!" I smile, pointing at him. 

"I wasn't but now-" He grabs hold of my hips and pulls me flush to his chest. He sure is a charmer (but it won't work on me). 

"I think we have better things to do," he says before placing his lips on mine.

Removing myself from his internally agonizing magic, I pivot and return to my morning duties. "I don't think so," I drag out, shaking my behind in his face. 

Soon, a sharp sting is spread across my butt cheek. "Oh," I let out. 

"I'll be in the shower." 

Oh no he didn't. 

After an hour of pleading, dragging, and yelling, Ryder and myself made it out of the house. And successfully so without looking like a clown or that of various fruits. 

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