Chapter 16 - The Perfect Day

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 Ryder's P.O.V

I don't know what was running through my mind when I blurted, "She's pregnant," but I was getting ready for my ass to be whipped and my mother to cry hysterically.

The room tenses up. My father nearly chokes on his food as he stares at my mother. They were dragging out these horrifying seconds. My mom's eyes widen in her shock and she wipes her mouth ready to speak. "Well, this is a great way to start off dinner," she sarcastically let's out. But I wasn't scared of her response, I was terrified of my father's.

"Are you crazy, Ryder?" My mother spits.

My father bangs lightly on the table but enough for Isabell to jump beside me. "Ryder, why the fuck aren't you being careful?! What about football?! School?!" He shakes his head setting his plate to the side to glare at me.

Underneath the table, my hand was tightly wrapped around Isabelle's. I look down at her staring at it. I gulp ready to give an explanation but I didn't have one. I usually didn't care when my mom or dad got mad (Which is often). I wouldn't listen to them anyway. This time I was shaking. This is one thing I really want even though I'm about to piss my pants.

"Can't you get rid of it?" he blatantly spits. Fuck, now I have to tell him that she is five months pregnant.

I notice a single tear fall from Isabelle's face. She is deep in thought. "Uh, dad," I bite down on my lip scared of letting the rest slip out. "She's already five months pregnant."

My mom just stands up shacking, taking to her new revelation as she stares at Isabelle's stomach. My dad ignores and paces around the dining room. He shakes his head in disbelief and rubs his face considering all the possible ways of murdering me. Well, that's what I assume is running through his head.

"Why the hell did you wait this long to tell us? Are you fucking crazy? You plan on getting a job paying for it? I don't think I could be any more disappointed. Have you thought about any of this?" He still paces his heavy body up and down the length of the dining room.

"I thought she was giving it up for adoption. She thought she was giving it up. I thought it'd be better-" he splices through mid-sentence shamelessly ranting.

"You thought what? You could hide a kid from us. It's a fucking child Ryder."

Right now, I regret bringing Isabelle. Although slightly comforting, he's embarrassing the crap out of me.

"I don't know dad! Okay? I have no fucking clue! But no matter what the fuck I do it wouldn't be enough. I'm sorry but it happened."

"Do you have no shame?"

No, I thought I would've had my parents support me for once in my life. "Let's go, Isabelle." I grab her hand, lifting her up showing all her pregnant glory. The baby bump seemed longer in the last few seconds as my parents are in shock.

"Ryder?" she shyly states. Interrupting her my father yells "Don't bother coming back."

Fuming with rage and any angst that I already had against my father, I rush Isabell and myself out the door. He hadn't given anybody time to talk.

Isabelle sets her head on my arm as we drive off. We both let quietness take over us and relax to the car smoothly driving and rain ricochet off the car.

"Hoped they would be less... tense. I'm sorry, Ryder," she sweetly says.

"It's all good I'll just wait until we're both ready to talk. Can you ask your mom if it's cool that I stay the night? Or I could stay at Ethan's," I shake my head trying to relieve my mental pressure.

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