Chapter 13 - The 'Friend'

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     Isabelle P.O.V

"Where are you staying?" My mom gathered some food, placing it in front of Noah.

"Maybe Jessie's, but I think that fell through," His hands drop to his lap, while answering my mother's question he told me.

Ryder's arms wrapped around my waist and he glared at Noah. Ryder was tense and very forceful. We hadn't agreed to a relationship or discussed the matter. I'm curious; what he is trying to do? I plucked at each of his finger, but Ryder refused. I was stuck in his hold and every bit of it was uncomfortable.

"What happened?" I wiggle at my uncomfort.

"She has no room but, I'm going to stay at a hotel," Noah replies reciprocating the same actions as Ryder.

"That's ridiculous. Mom he can stay here, right?" I peek over my right shoulder, the one that isn't occupied by Ryder's rather large head, to ask my mother who is standing in the kitchen.

"Yes, honey, you are always welcome here," she offers a smile.

My excitement gets the better of me as I pry Ryder's hands from me and squeal, "Yeah, we need to catch up. Let's get your stuff," he laughs at me.

We've grabbed his things from the foyer and taken them to the loft. "How far along are you?" He looks over at me.

"Seven weeks, it's been a lot of nausea and morning sickness but it's not that bad. I've lost a tiny bit of weight and I can sleep a little better now. I'm just enjoying some of these little things while they actually lasts," I answer.

"And you and Ryder?" He shyly asks.

"We made up yesterday, but I think he may have taken it the wrong way. I forgave him for being an asshole. A huge asshole, which I don't want to start a relationship with. Just platonic. What about you and Jess, huh?" I nudge.

"Jessie," He pauses before I nudge him again, "She's acting weird. I haven't heard from her since the airport when she told me I shouldn't come. It was a bad idea to get back together hundreds of miles apart," he distracts himself with his luggage.

I rub the top of his back to comfort him, "Well I am glad you came. More time to spend with me."

"Isabelle, I'm going to go," Ryder looking over the half wall into the the loft.

"Oh, let me walk you out," I insist.

"It's fine...," I interject.

"No, I want to ask you something," I push him the rest of the way until the door.

"I had fun," he smirks.

"Yeah, it was. What were you doing, earlier?"

"Doing what?"

"You and Noah at the table, the affection. I told you I want to be friends, nothing more."

"I really like you, Izzy."

"I like you too. If every other day I have to worry about you treating me like shit, then all we can ever be is friends. If or when I can truly trust you not to walk out on me then I might agree to another date. Please, can we take this slow?"


Later, Christmas night, Matthew packed for the rest of his break for his dads. Noah and I finished off our Christmas marathon and caught up on the events of his move to New York.

"Bye, Phil. Merry Christmas. Bye, Matthew," I reach my hand out the door waving.

"Okay, what do you kids want to do? There's movies, board games, and..." she stopped.

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