Friends with the devil (2007)

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Hello, so I'm now writing this book by myself but my co-author still helps me with the Gerard Way imagines and I want to write something with her in the future because I like working with her, she's awesome go give her a follow, @GravityGrenade if you want to follow, you might have to search it because for some reason wattpad is stupid like that and it doesn't tag certain people 🤣

Edit 2022: holy shit. This is so old, it's back when I used to write for Gerard lmfao. Wrote this entire book when I was like a teenager so I'm sorry if it's all over the place for any new readers 🥹.

The little girl frowned as she walked into school that day. She absolutely hated being anywhere near the building filled with kids who only tormented her but she assumed they had a good reason. They didn't like who she was friends with but it's not like they'd stop her from seeing him. She was the only one who was ever there for him and she couldn't give up now.

The tormenting got so bad that she missed school some days and her parents were even talking about moving away. She immediately declined in fear of having to leave her troubled friend all alone. She always feared the outcome of leaving Haddonfield and her friend. She didn't want him to be angry since he already was a pretty angry kid. She could imagine that the outcome would result in something absolutely terrifying. Like maybe murder. He seemed like one of those people who could grow up to be serial killers.

She shook those thoughts away as her hands gripped onto her bright pink school bag. She sighed as the usual bullies approached her and soon enough the torment would start. Her friend hadn't been at school for a whole week and she had to deal with things alone. Usually he would stick up for her and protect her from the bullies but now she was pretty defenseless. Their words didn't seem to get to him anymore but they certainly got to her. He was so deprived of emotion now and there was nothing she could do to fix it.

"Hey girlie. What's this? Don't have your little bodyguard? Guess freak show didn't come around" The main boy, Wesley, spoke to the girl while giving her a soft smirk. He was always the one to torment her because he also tormented her friend. She backed up a bit and gripped onto her bag tighter. She really wanted him to be here to help but of course things never worked out for her. She was only around his age but only one year younger. He was 10 and she was 9. Still they seemed to be a good pairing despite his strange behavior.

"J-Just leave me alone...I'm not bothering you" She spoke with a slight fear in her tone. She was very afraid that he would become violent with her while she didn't have her friend here. Wesley only laughed and shoved her against the lockers, knocking the wind from her lungs. She started to cry as she struggled against the slightly taller boy. Wesley always picked on the kids that were less than him. It was honestly pathetic on his part.

"Why? You're just the newbie. Ya know you shouldn't hang around Michael, he's dangerous. You'll see (Y/N)" Wesley spoke as he pressed her tighter against the lockers. She whimpered and tried to get away from him again since he was hurting her. "Stop it! You're the one who's dangerous! You're hurting me. Michael would never do that" (Y/N) cried. Wesley was suddenly thrown off of her as Michael stood there with an angry look on his face. His blonde hair was messy and his blue eyes only held rage.

"Leave her alone." Michael growled angrily at the taller boy. "You have no right to touch her when I'm not around. You're the only pathetic one you fuck" He shouted. (Y/N)'s eyes widened at his vulgar language but she slowly stepped towards him seeking his comfort. Her smaller hand slowly wrapped around his and she felt his gaze on her. She sighed and leaned against him. "I'm sorry that you always have to stick up for me. Like a babysitter" the girl spoke with a hint of guilt in her tone. She hated burdening Michael like this when he clearly had his own struggles.

Michael stared ahead at Wesley's unconscious form and then let a small grin make its way onto his face. "No you got it all wrong. I love showing that stupid fuck that he shouldn't mess with me. Or with you. I care about you so it's a win-win situation" He told her. His voice held a bit of mischief as he stared down at her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "But we should probably leave school before they find him" He winked at her before they both hurried out of the school. She giggled as they stopped in a small forest.

"Where have you been all week?" She asked him while watching him lean against a tree. His hand ran through his messed up blonde hair before he walked closer, resting his hand against her cheek. "I couldn't come back to school after that fight me and Wesley had in the bathroom. I was suspended" He told her. She shook her head at him playfully before twirling a piece of his blonde hair between her fingers.

"What will I do with you?" She teased with a small giggle. He rested his head against her shoulder and suddenly became very serious. "I don't even know what to do with myself, flower" He told her smiling as she blushed at the nickname. "But hopefully things will change, it is almost Halloween after all" He added with a smile.

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