Crazy Just Like You (2007)

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"Ms. (L/N), I think it would be super helpful if you attended a group therapy session with me and my other patients" Dr. Loomis suggested while he laid a gentle hand on the girl's shoulder. He was determined to make her open up a bit more even if the sessions were always so tense for the patients.

"Why should I? If I get involved with you, you'll only write a book on my life and every aspect of it" (Y/N) snapped rudely before continuing her staring contest with the white wall in front of her. Dr. Loomis sighed and looked at her, trying to figure out how he could respond to such behavior.

"You don't know anything about my actions for doing so, now I asked nicely but now I have no choice but to force you to attend" He told her harshly before offering her a hand. She angrily took it and allowed him to lead her into the room filled with equally crazy people.

"Please have a seat, (Y/N)" Dr. Loomis told her before venturing off to the middle of the little chair circle they all created. She looked around at everyone and then her (E/C) eyes landed on someone so very intriguing to her.

Michael Myers was here.

His large frame being covered by the white outfit they provided here along with a soft looking robe, the color of it being a grey color. His brown hair was long and it covered parts of his face that weren't already covered by his orange mask. His blue eyes could be seen through the mask and she thought they were beautiful.

Normally the people here were terrified of him but she wasn't. That being said, she walked over and plopped down right beside him, her eyes catching his for a mere second before he took it upon himself to look away. His hands were chained together and in his lap while his feet were kept chained to the legs of the chair. They really took precautions.

"Right, welcome everyone to today's session. As you all know, I am Dr. Loomis and I'm here to help you so...don't be afraid to speak your mind. Yes, I'm looking at you Michael" Loomis started while putting his hands together and looking straight at Michael as he said those last few parts.

Michael seemed unfazed as he just kept his laid back attitude for the time being. (Y/N) leaned her head against her hand while she listened to Dr. Loomis's constant babble about how emotions were okay to let out if you do it in a safe way. She didn't miss how his gaze turned towards Michael as he said that. It made her angry because this group therapy session seemed to be just him pointing the finger at Michael.

"Now, I want to try an exercise that I think will ease some of your minds a bit. Everyone will be with the person next to them and together you will show each other proper ways to release your built up emotions" Loomis told everyone. (Y/N) turned to face Michael with a soft smirk on her face.

"What up? Guess we gotta go through with Loomis's stupid idea, once again" She sighed as she felt his piercing stare burning into her. "I know you can't really move but I bet you use anger as your main emotion. It fuels you to make such monstrous moves" She told him noting the way his hands clenched together best they could with the handcuffs in the way.

"Guess I hit a nerve there, sorry man" She spoke softly with a sigh of boredom. She thought meeting him would go differently, she couldn't really ask what she wanted with Loomis's watchful eyes on them. If only she could get him off the chains...

"Hey Dr. Loomis, May I ask you something?" She turned to face the doctor who walked over to her. Michael watched her in curiosity and slight interest. He smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder, moving his gaze over to the quiet and observant Michael.

"Yes what is it, my dear?" He said while continuing the staring contest he was having with Michael. She sat up straight and gave him a soft fake smile. "Can you please unchain Michael?" She asked him taking in the way his eyes widened and he shook his head rapidly.

"No way, I'm sorry. He's to stay chained" Loomis spoke firmly and looked at her as she frowned softly and gazed down at her shoes. She felt Michael's intense gaze on her but she payed no mind to it.

"But how will we open up to each other If he can't even move?" She asked him with fake sadness. Loomis ran a hand through his hair and took out a pair of keys from his pocket. "I suppose that makes sense but please...if he goes to hurt you, tell me" He said firmly. She gave a soft nod and watched as the old doctor removed the chains from Michael's hands and feet.

As soon as Loomis walked off to another person, she sent a soft smirk towards Michael's direction. "There. You're free" She said while letting out a soft giggle. Michael looked at her and then stood up from his chair, reaching his hand down to her. She was confused but she slowly took it and let him pull her up.

The two now stood in front of each other, (Y/N) having to look up at him from his insanely tall self. He grabbed onto her hands and held them in his own seeming fascinated by how small they were compared to his. His gaze traveled all over her body, seeming to take all of her in. He was very observant which was a bit of a creepy trait but he was also extremely intelligent.

" what?" (Y/N) asked watching as his lips grew into a smirk. He let go of her hands and tilted his head at her. The two spent their time planning a way to escape since they both seemed to want the same thing. Freedom.

Michael Myers Imagines Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang