True Disaster (2007)

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I would legit adopt young Michael even if he murdered me he's just so cute lmao. Also thanks to sergeantfalloutboy for the idea. This sucks but it was kinda rushed so yeah...

"Isn't he just perfect?" (Y/N) mumbled dreamily to her friend, Jasmine, while she stared at the young blonde boy sitting by himself on the stairs. He only had a black hoodie on to cover himself along with blue jeans that were ripped at the knees. His black converse looked old and worn out while his blonde locks of hair laid messily in his face. His blue eyes were heavily focused on his hands.

Jasmine turned to look at the boy before she scrunched her face up in slight disgust. "What do you see in Michael Myers? He's weird" She commented while looking down and missing (Y/N)'s sharp glare.

"Everything! He's just perfection" She replied with a soft smile on her face. Jasmine only shook her head with a small sigh escaping her lips.

"I highly doubt that, that boy is so strange and I'm pretty sure he's dangerous. You need to be careful" Jasmine told her now concerned about her wellbeing. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and got up, walking over to the boy and sitting down beside him.

"Hi. I'm (Y/N) and you're Michael?" The girl greeted with a adoring smile on her face. She couldn't help herself, he was just so amazing. The boy let his gaze travel over to her as he slowly nodded.

"I think you're really cute" She giggled playing with a strand of her hair. Michael's eyes widened before he just stared at her in shock. No one's ever complimented him before. He felt a little strange.

She took it upon herself to walk out of school with him as he entered the woods as a quick way home. "You have really cute legs" She stated dreamily as Michael placed his hands in his pockets.

"Uh...thanks I guess" He finally spoke to her which earned a soft squeal of excitement from her. He looked at her slightly annoyed. "Don't you have a home to go to?" He asked wanting to distance himself from her to avoid her creepiness.

"I do but I'd rather be with you" (Y/N) giggled. Michael stopped and grabbed her shoulders gently.

"Well no one has ever felt that way before so why do you? Just get lost!" He yelled now overwhelmed with anger as he walked off ahead. (Y/N)'s heart broke at his words and she just slowly made her way home.

The next day was a drag and the girl was just hurt and majorly quiet throughout it. She didn't even hang around with Jasmine. Gentle hands gripped her shoulders and spun her around. She now met the eyes of Michael.

"Uh..hi. I'm sorry for what I said yesterday I just...don't get attention like that often but I kinda like it" He told her while giving a soft smile. She smiled brightly and hugged him tight.

"Get used to it then!" She squealed.

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