There's No Escape (2007)

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Request by: sergeantfalloutboy

"You'll never forget me, right?" Michael asked his best friend while he sat beside her and kept a firm grip on her hand. She was like his precious jewel and he couldn't bare to lose her. The girl gazed over at him with soft innocent eyes.

"Of course not, Mikey" (Y/N) replied while laying her head down on his shoulder. She always admired him for his adorable features and his unique attitude towards certain things. She lifted her head up and screamed as the boy she once knew was now a blurred out image in her view.

"You lied to me (Y/N)! I will come back for you!" The now disturbing version of Michael spoke with a dark and menacing tone.

(Y/N) screamed loudly as her body quickly jolted up and her eyes opened. Tears now poured down her cheeks rapidly as she tried to shake that nightmare from her mind. A warm and comforting hand rested on hers as she turned to face the loving gaze her boyfriend, Jeremy, was giving her.

"Was it the same one?" He asked her already knowing of the troubles she had with nightmares. Ever since they met she's been having these same vivid dreams that haunted her even when she was awake. He always tried his best to fix it but it was never easy.

"Yeah...unfortunately." She replied with a soft groan escaping her lips afterwards. Jeremy switched on the television and the news channel was the only thing on at the moment. Most of the stories didn't mean anything since they were all about what kids were doing for Halloween and parents keeping them on a healthy diet for all the candy they'll digest. One story did catch her attention though and Jeremy's.

"Breaking news, convicted killer Michael Myers has recently broken out of Smith's Grove late last night. Police are working on finding out exactly how this happened and it is not known where Myers is now but we strongly advise for everyone to lock their doors and be extra careful since it is Halloween" The news lady stated.

(Y/N) felt her blood run cold as she dropped her coffee mug making the glass shatter by her feet. Jeremy was up in seconds helping her out. He turned off the tv and started to clean the glass by her feet before he began to rub her shoulders in a calming manner.

"Hey, Hey. Listen Smith's Grove is miles away from here. There's no way he'd ever make it, there's no need to worry yourself babe" He told her whilst planting a soft kiss on her forehead. She looked at him and slowly nodded now feeling herself calming down a lot more. She leaned in and slowly kissed Jeremy.

Michael's large frame stood a little bit away from the window. He knew it was (Y/N), his precious jewel but his rage intensified when he saw her kiss that poor excuse of a man. He'd been wanting to show her how a real man treats a lady for years even if his mind was more than damaged now. He was determined to get her back, to have her in his arms. She'd be his forever and he'd never let her go. Even if she died.

He hid quickly as her boyfriend opened the front door and walked outside, going over to the trashcans. Michael smirked to himself under his mask at how easy this would be before he stalked up behind the man, jabbing his knife through his stomach and holding a hand over his mouth so he could not scream loudly. He picked up his dead corpse and disposed of it in the trashcan.

(Y/N) stepped out of the shower and dried off before dressing herself in some comfortable clothes for the slightly chilly weather. She grabbed some magazines that she didn't need and walked outside to dispose of them. Her hands gripped the lid of the trashcan as she opened it. The sight before her made a scream escape from her lips.

"Oh my god! J-Jeremy? No..." She cried as she backed up with her hands covering her mouth. She gasped as her back connected with another warm body. Arms went around her waist as she was lifted up over someone's shoulder. All she saw was a blue jumpsuit before she passed out from the shock of tonight's events.

When she regained consciousness, she saw that she was in a dark and dusty room. It looked like an old cellar or basement of some sort. Her eyes moved over to the figure sitting across from her. He was wearing a dirty blue jumpsuit with a hideous white mask covering his face. She screamed and backed up further into the wall.

"W-What do you want from me!?" She demanded fearfully.

The man slowly removed his mask showing off the familiar features and sharp blue eyes. Her fear slowly went away as she recognized exactly who this was. "Michael...?" She asked watching as he nodded his head. She slowly crawled over towards him and reached up to touch his cheek. He dropped the mask to the ground and closed his eyes as she did so.

Her other hand reached over to grab the knife he dropped while he was distracted. "Michael I missed you so much, I wanna be with you forever...FUCK YOU!" She screamed while jabbing the knife into his back quickly. He grunted in pain before falling over on his side.

She got up and immediately ran over to a fence that was blocking her exit. "Someone please help!" She pleaded as tears escaped her eyes once more. She broke through the fence and crawled through it, running up the stairs. Her hands gripped the front door as she opened it and was about to step out. Arms wrapped around her and forcefully pulled her back in as the door slammed shut behind her.

It was then she knew that there really was no escaping Michael Myers.

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