Stolen Candy And Breakdowns (2007)

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Michael is a bad influence on our dear Reader ;)
Also! 80th Imagine!?! Can you believe we've made it this far already? It feels like I just published the first one yesterday wow lol, thanks for all the support  throughout this experience <3

The wind flew through the young girl's (H/C) hair as she was pulled along by the blonde boy who had just convinced her to steal from a candy store. The two ended up leaving with their pockets stuffed with all the sweet goods. The girl had absolutely no experience in shop lifting but the boy sure did and he aided her whilst they committed the small crime. They ended up being chased by the store's owner which is how they ended up running away down the streets of Haddonfield.

The girl's small legs brought her only as fast as they could go but the blonde boy was quick to grab her by the hand and pull her along faster. They ended up taking a shortcut through the woods near school to finally escape the angry store owner who was dead set on finding them and taking back the stolen sweets. They came to a stop near a tree and that's when the blonde started to laugh at their actions. His laugh was really contagious so she couldn't help but to laugh along with him. It was one of the only times she's seen him show any form of happiness. He was usually doom and gloom most of the time.

"Wow! He didn't even see us go in here!" Michael laughed before pulling some stolen candy from his pockets and placing them in his backpack before he pulled his hood up over his head. She knew that he didn't like his face being seen because his looks weren't appealing to him. She thought he was a very cute boy but of course that would never be said directly to him. She had a small crush on the 10 year old but that would never be revealed. His mysterious vibe really caught her attention from the moment she met him.

"M-Maybe we should take this stuff back and apologize" (Y/N) suggested now being filled with guilt from making that man chase them all the way here. She always felt bad pretty easily and if her parents ever found out that she stole, she'd be in so much trouble. The blonde just stared at her for a few minutes before smirking smugly and sitting down beside her on the ground. His hand reached into her pocket as he pulled out a snickers bar.

"It's just candy, flower" He started before setting the bar on her lap. "Besides, you got some good ones and I do this all the time" He reassured her. She looked down at the small piece of candy before nodding slowly and laying her head down on his shoulder. She felt him tense up at the action but eventually his head came to rest on top of hers and she giggled at the feeling of his messy hair tickling her cheeks. The atmosphere got serious all of a sudden as he pulled away and reached down into his pocket to pull out a small bottle of pills.

(Y/N) watched as he put two into his mouth and swallowed them dry before his shaky hands raked through his blonde hair. She had never seen him act like this before and she never even knew he took pills. What for? That was the question that ran through her head as she continued to stare at him. He seemed to feel her gaze so he simply shoved the pills back into his pocket and stood up, his mood changing rather quickly.

"I-I have to go" He announced suddenly now becoming nervous for the first time since she's known him. It was like he was hiding something from her. "M-My mom'll get angry with me if I'm not home to watch Boo" He told her before starting to quickly walk off. The (H/C) haired girl was quick to follow him as she  sensed his lie. He was a horrible lair. She needed answers now.

"Michael wait" She spoke which made him stop in his tracks. "What's really going on? You know that you don't have to hide anything from me" She let a small smile appear on her face but it was quickly wiped away as the boy turned around and gave her the most nerve racking glare. If looks could kill, she'd surely be dead on the spot. She even thought tears of anger and sadness could be seen forming behind his eyes.

"No! I do! You don't understand!" He yelled which made her jump slightly. "I have to hide from everyone...I don't trust myself anymore" His voice quieted down as tears now ran down his cheeks. "Why do you even like hanging around me, flower? I'll only hurt you...please stay away" He begged her. The girl slowly walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him tightly. His words hurt her just a little but she would never abandon him.

"No...I don't leave my friends and I'm definitely not leaving you" She looked at him. "We're just's okay to be going through tough'll overcome it eventually and it won't always be like this" She buried her face in his black hoodie and smiled as his arms slowly wrapped back around her and the two clung to each other for dear life.

"For others..maybe" He whispered into her ear. "But I'm already past the point of letting time heal me and I'm okay with that" He gripped her tighter. "Just promise me that no matter what happens-no matter what I won't give up on me" He spoke.

"I promise, Michael" (Y/N) replied but nothing could have prepared her for what he did on Halloween night. Giving up on him was her only option after that.

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