Flashbacks (part 3) (2007)

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I'm liking this little mini series, these next set of flashbacks will be Michael's first time seeing Reader's home life :0

"How come you don't want me to meet them?" Michael ran to catch up to his only friend as she was waking quickly away from him. There was some strange reason why she never invited him over to her home and he was determined to find out. He had told her everything about his life so why couldn't she share hers with him?

"Boss, I'm sorry for skipping work yesterday I just..." (Y/N) trailed off biting down on her bottom lip nervously as she stared at her boss thinking of an excuse. "I was meeting a friend" She lied between her teeth and gave him her best smile. The male looked at her and then sighed before placing his hands on her shoulders. "Is this friend safe for you? After Halloween I worry about you" He replied. She was worried about herself.

"B-Because they're away" She bit her lip as a lie slipped between her teeth. "On holiday and they won't be back for a long time-" She gasped as the taller boy's fingers wrapped around her wrist in order to stop her from walking. "I know that's not true and you know that you cannot lie to me, flower" Michael spoke firmly. "Do they hurt you? I swear..." He was cut off as she took off running. He was fast on her trail.

"I-I know what I'm doing" She told him before pulling away from the somewhat awkwardness of their interaction. "I quit" She announced suddenly which surprised both herself and her boss. She knew Michael was getting frustrated with her having to leave all the time and she also knew that his time in Haddonfield was on a timer since he was being searched for. She wouldn't let them take him away again.

(Y/N) let out a loud squeal as her back collided with the harsh ground and hovered above her was none other than Michael. His rough hands gripped onto her shoulders as he pressed his body into hers to keep her from escaping again. "That was very uncalled for ya know, just tell me why you keep hiding things from me because I'm pretty sure we are friends" He snapped. She knew the truth had to be set free now.

(Y/N) didn't say much after that, she just ran out of the diner as fast as she could without turning back. Her legs eventually gave out as she reached the spot in the woods where her and Michael would usually meet up. As if on cue, the male clad in hunting jeans and a hunting jacket came out from a bush and made his way over to her. The mask wasn't on his face and the knife wasn't in his hand. It greatly surprised her but she was happy to see him. "Michael..." She whispered gently.

"Michael..." The little girl whispered gently as she stared up at the blonde boy with tears forming behind her eyes. They threatened to fall but she kept her composure best she could. "My dad...he's not ever around to see me or even wonder how I'm doing" She started. "My mom is left to put all the pieces together again but..I don't want you to be exposed to that" She admitted before softly sobbing.

Michael awkwardly opened his arms for the (H/C) haired woman and she gladly accepted the hug even though she was still quite fearful of him. It was just two months ago on Halloween night when he injured her and left that permanent reminder on her skin. It was almost too much to handle but at the same time, she needed some sort of comfort. Her head allowed itself to rest against the rough fabric of his hunting jacket and her arms allowed themselves to wrap tightly around his waist. Michael didn't know what to do with this sudden affection so he just slowly placed his rough hand on the small of her back and held her close to him as if he was afraid the only person who understood him would disappear as well. At the same time though, he got that urge to hurt her because he had it with everyone that was around him.

"Let me walk you home" He told her before helping her stand at her feet. "I'll be able to meet your mom at least and I'll be there the whole time, I think you forget what my home life is like" He commented as they began to slowly walk towards the girl's home. It wasn't far of a walk and the house wasn't the greatest. Michael watched as the girl's eyes widened at the sight of two cars parked in the driveway. "H-He's home" She whispered.

"Michael...I need you to come with me real quick" (Y/N) spoke softly as she pulled back and took the taller male's hand in her own. "To the graveyard...it's his birthday and even if he was never nice to me, he's still my father" She told him which immediately made him tense up at the memory of meeting her father that day. It was still fresh in his mind and that anger still existed. He gave her a firm shake of his head and angrily grunted before shoving her down to the floor. "What the hell!?! He's still my dad! You can't control this Michael!" (Y/N) yelled to him before she stood up and ran off towards the small graveyard just at the end of the forest.

(Y/N)'s shaking hand firmly gripped onto the blonde boy's as they both faced her father who sat comfortably on the couch smirking at them. He reminded Michael a lot of Ronnie which immediately left a horrid feeling within him. The older man sighed and looked at (Y/N). "Girl, you can really pick 'em huh?" He laughed. "Who's this clown anyways? Who are ya blondie and why are ya hanging around my daughter?" He interrogated Michael.

(Y/N) sighed as she knelt down in front of the gravestone that said her father's name on it. "D-Dad...I know that we never got along but I just wanted to say that I love you and I hope you're having a good birthday..." She spoke with gentle tears of remembrance cascading down her cheeks. She felt a little better as the feeling of warm hands on her shoulders registered to her. Michael.

"I protect your daughter more than you do" Michael challenged before his anger rose and he stormed out holding the little girl's hand still.

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