Babysitter (2007)

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(Y/N) was well known around Haddonfield for her babysitting she provided. Many parents trusted their kids with her because she was a very easy going girl and she was known to be every kid's favorite sitter. She's been around all types of kids but nothing could possibly compare to the child she had to watch tonight and the horror that would be a result of her poor decision.

The (H/C) haired teenager gathered her things and prepared to make her way over to the house. The Myers house. She was getting paid a decent amount for this but she wasn't really all in for the money, she never was. She was actually interested in all the kids she watched. She loved seeing how they spent their time and what their home life was like. It made her want kids of her own someday just being around all these ones now.

The only warnings she got from the mother was that her lazy boyfriend Ronnie was gonna be home on the chair probably watching tv. She mentioned how he picked on the child she was watching, Michael was his name. She already disliked the man for that. How can you pick on a harmless 10 year old?

She pushed those thoughts away as she left her home and eventually made it to the Myers house. It did have a bit of a creepy vibe to it especially with the dark atmosphere and the Halloween decorations placed outside. It was only two days away from Halloween night so she understood that. She stepped up to the front door and placed a gentle knock on it. She waited a bit until it finally opened revealing a young brown haired teen with very revealing clothing on. She had makeup caked on her face as she let a small smirk of happiness fall on her lips.

"Yes you're here! Finally. Now you can stay here with the freak while I go out for awhile. I'm Judith by the way" The girl introduced herself before allowing (Y/N) to come inside. The home was a bit messy but still somewhat nice, the first thing she noticed was the television being on with a man watching it as he laid on the recliner. Judith let out a soft sigh as she noticed what (Y/N) was looking at.

"That's Ronnie. He's a total pig and all he does is sleep all day, he won't be much of a bother" She told the babysitter before grabbing her bag and waking out the door without another word. (Y/N) was surprised but she noticed the younger blonde boy sitting on the couch staring intently at the tv. His head was propped against his hand gently and he had on what looked like a clown mask. His mother had told (Y/N) about his mask wearing habits.

She slowly walked into the room and sat beside the boy smiling softly. "Hey there. You must be Michael. I'm (Y/N), I'm gonna watch you tonight I hope you don't mind" She spoke gently noting how the boy immediately turned his attention towards her. His hands came up to his face as he removed the mask showing off his features to her. He was honestly a really cute kid. Pale and slightly chubby face but the prettiest blue eyes ever. They held so many secrets in them.

"Heh, I wouldn't mind" Ronnie commented as he gave her a small wink. She looked at him in utter disgust before leaning slightly closer to Michael. The boy sent him a sharp glare that almost looked deadly as he stood up, grabbing (Y/N)'s hand. He took her upstairs and sighed in relief.

"Yeah. I'm Michael. Micheal Myers. I'm sorry about him, he's a drunken loser" The boy finally spoke, his voice soft and confident as he gazed up at her. She just gave him a soft smile and followed him into his room. Immediately her smile dropped as she noticed the gruesome pictures on his walls of dead animals and even the dead animals around her. She knew he was a troubled boy but this was unlike anything she's ever seen.

"Uh, What is all this?" (Y/N) asked him while slowly sitting down on his bed as he joined her. He gave her a happy smile and grabbed her hand.

"It's my art. Do you like it?" He asked her firmly. Not wanting to upset him, she gave a slow nod. She understood that kids had their problems but this was very dangerous. This can't be a good sign. 

"I'm happy to hear that. I also like to make masks but drunk pig judges me and always pulls them off" Michael told her. She frowned at that and grabbed his hands in hers.

"That's terrible. Why don't you teach me how to make one? We can do it together. It'll be something to take your mind off of his torment" (Y/N) suggested not missing the light that flashed through the boy's eyes. He stood up and brought her over to a small desk filled with many masks that were already made.

The two spent the rest of their time together making masks, but (Y/N) didn't know of the horror that would take place only two days later. It would forever haunt her.

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