His Nurse (2007)

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Request from sergeantfalloutboy

"Ms. (L/N)! You're finally here!" The older man with greying hair and seemingly kind blue eyes spoke as he hurried towards the (H/C) haired woman with such enthusiasm laced in his tone. He had been waiting for ages for Smith's Grove to find new staff and today was finally the day.

The man stuck his hand out with a charming smile on his aging features. "Name's Samuel Loomis, pleasure to be in your presence today" He greeted whilst the woman gave a smile of her own and gently placed her hand into his to return the greeting. Loomis clapped his hands happily and then turned around. "I already know that you're (Y/N), I'm in a bit of a hurry today so let's just get on with the tour" He began to walk towards the door.

(Y/N) blinked in surprise but quickly caught up to the man because she was eager to make a good first impression. In all seriousness, she was very nervous about this job because a lot of people have told her of some patients who resided here. Most importantly, Michael Myers made this place his home after murdering his sister along with her boyfriend and even his stepfather.

No one knew why he did it but part of the reason (Y/N) got this job was to find out. She shook those thoughts out of her head once Loomis led her into a dimly lit hallway that housed many different white doors. She assumed these were patient rooms and that's when this situation truly dawned on her. She was really here and this was really happening.

"This is where some of the most notorious patients are held and even....him" Loomis coughed nervously after he said that sentence. "But don't worry, he's my patient and you won't have to see him unless you are assigned to be his nurse" He reassured her before they stopped halfway. He pulled out a small badge with her name on it and handed it to her.

"This is your name tag, wear it starting now when on your shift so you're not mistaken as a trespasser" He placed a gentle hand upon her shoulder and smiled. "Now let me see who they assigned you with..." He trailed off as he scanned through some papers before his eyes widened.

"Oh dear...Ms. (L/N) are you okay with being Michael's nurse?" The older man asked you with a slight nervous tone. That question made the woman freeze but she gave a soft nod of her head. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

Two weeks later, (Y/N) found herself standing outside of Myers cell door because today had been the day when she was assigned to actually go inside. It was because she had to check up on him and make sure everything was okay. This still terrified her however because she's never had to see him up close.

She took a breath and unlocked the heavy door, slipping inside. She noticed how the tall framed man sat on the chair messing about with something silently. She studied the ragged clothing he was forced to wear and the slightly greasy brown locks of hair that fell down to his shoulders. Seemingly noticing her presence, the man's movements stopped and he stood up from his chair.

(Y/N) let a soft gasp escape her lips at how tall and built he was. He turned around and showed her the orange mask he had on his face, she could see the blue irises peeking at her through it. He was definitely intimidating but she decided to approach him in a kind way to avoid being plummeted to death by him.

"H-Hello Michael" She started. "I'm (Y/N), your nurse" The nerves in her voice were heard and it became clear that he picked up on it when she got a head tilt in response. "I won't be here long okay? Just to check up on you" She gave a gentle smile and slowly stepped up to him so that she was directly in front of him.

She grabbed the keys from her pocket and unlocked his chains before handing him the small cup of pills. "All you need to do is take these and I can leave" She informed him. His strong hands grabbed the cup from her but he stopped to let them curl around her hand for a moment before he took the pills as ordered. While he did this, she glanced behind him at the mask that sat on the desk half done. It was pretty strange to see such a dangerous human being making a mask like a child would do for a preschool assignment.

"I like your masks" She told him making the male freeze and look at her with an unrecognizable gaze. It held curiosity and maybe amusement. "Um....they're nice" her eyes gazed down at her shoes from slight embarrassment. The silent male breathed softly and placed his hand on her chest, rather close to her bra. He kept his hand there for a few before removing it and patting her on the shoulder.

She bit her lip and grabbed the empty cup from his hand, walking out from the room and locking it back up behind her. She didn't even bother to chain him up again because he didn't try to hurt her. Suddenly, this didn't seem like such a bad thing.

Michael Myers Imagines जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें