Teenage Destruction (part 2) (2009)

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"What's the point of this?" The girl asked with a soft frown of confusion on her features as Dr. Loomis led her down the hall. "Do you really think this'll work?" She asked him while attempting to keep up with his fast footsteps. He seemed extremely distressed as he looked at her.

"It has to work. You got a reaction out of him, he spoke to you without closing up. There has to be something there" Loomis stated with a somewhat happy grin on his face. He stopped at a door and then opened it, leading her into the small room where Michael sat chained to the table.

His blue eyes looked up as he gazed at Loomis and then at the familiar girl standing beside him. He kept his composure and stayed silent and emotionless like he always did. He didn't like that they were gonna use the girl to make him open up and show emotion to them when he hasn't done that in years. How stupid they are.

Loomis chained her to the chair opposite of him and then slowly left the room, making sure to stand right outside. (Y/N) looked at the blonde boy in front of her and gently sighed. She felt sorry about all this but deep down she knew that none of this was because of her. She didn't want him to believe that for a second.

"I-I'm Sorry..." She spoke softly, her voice so quiet that it barely sounded throughout the already silent room. Michael's eyes locked on hers before he looked back down at his hands that were freed because even Loomis believed the boy should have some sort of freedom.

"For what?" Michael replied knowing that Loomis was probably having a field day out of their interaction. Michael didn't care anymore. Let the old bat have his fun because it surely wouldn't last long. (Y/N) bit her lip and stared at him.

"For this. If I never talked to you then Loomis would have never thought to do this" She told him with a soft sigh of guilt. She really was an idiot at times but she just wanted to show herself that the supposed dangerous patient wasn't really as dangerous as they all say.

"But I'm glad you talked to me, I was lonely. Still am" His calm voice echoed off the walls in the room as he tapped his fingers on the metal table. "I'm used to Loomis and his crazy ideas to get me to talk anyways. Soon things will change" He Informed her.

"What do you mean?" She questioned. A soft smirk on his lips was her only response before he grabbed her hand in his own.

"You'll see soon enough, I'm gonna get out of here and I'll take you with me" He told her not caring if Loomis heard him. "Only if you do me a favor though" He snuck a small key into her hands and pulled his hand away slowly. "I need you to get into Ismael's office, he holds all the files of every patient. Burn mine" He pleaded. "I don't want this place holding any records of me" He ran a hand in his hair.

"If you can't burn it, just destroy it. You're smart" He leaned back and just stared at her. She stared at him and then slowly smirked.

"Deal" She told him.

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