Defending Myers (2007)

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Fetus Michael up there 🤡

(Y/N) made her way down the almost vacant halls of the school building. Her hands shakily gripped the straps of her pink backpack in a tight grip to try and ease her nerves. It had only been her second day and things had been pretty easy, no one made any moves to pester her which she greatly appreciated. She stopped as she heard voices coming from down the hall. She quickly hid behind the wall and looked out a bit only to see two guys standing in front of a boy that was a little bit shorter than them.

The first boy had locks of curly brown hair and the second one had short ginger hair. Then her (E/C) eyes shifted over to the smaller boy. He had blonde hair that went down to his shoulders and sharp blue eyes that held the most hatred filled glare they could muster. The glare was directed at the brown haired guy. She listened in to try and see what they were saying to each other. They didn't look like they were friends.

"I bet it's hard for ya, Mikey. Dealing with a whore of a mom and also a whore of a sister. I actually think your sister felt me up in the bathroom before" The brown haired guy said with a soft laugh before he shoved the blonde boy hard making him slam into the lockers. "Too bad I don't give a fuck what happens to you" He added.

"Shut up and leave me alone" The blonde boy finally spoke. His voice showed that he wasn't joking around as he managed to shove the brown haired guy back away from him which made him land on the floor. He then got up and raised his fist to hit the blonde.

"That's it you fucking little shit!" He yelled before going to bring his hand down on the boy's face. The girl gasped and quickly ran over to them. Her body slammed against the brown haired guy's as he fell down. "Ah fuck, what the hell?" He mumbled as his eyes gazed at her. "You bitch" He glared at her. "I'll get you for this, slut" He growled.

(Y/N) felt surprisingly gentle hands grip onto her waist and gently lift her off the guy. She was then pulled behind the blonde haired boy which indicated that he was the one who lifted her off. "Leave her alone, Wesley." The boy growled angrily watching as the two guys just walked off now becoming uninterested in the two of them.

The boy turned to her and placed his hand on her cheek. "Hey are you okay?" He asked her which made warmth spread over her cheeks like a wildfire. She took in his adorable features and his blue eyes that now held a more calm and even gentle gaze.

"Yeah I'm okay but I really wanna make sure you are. That boy was mean" (Y/N) replied now closing her eyes on impulse as his hand moved to stroke her face. He eventually pulled his hand away and let it drop back down to his side.

"Yeah he's a dick" The boy smirked. "I'm Michael. And you are?" He asked. She giggled a bit and then adjusted her backpack on her back.

"My name is (Y/N)" She told him softly watching as he grabbed his fallen items from the ground and smiled at her with the most beautiful smile she's ever seen. "Ah. Pretty name. Here let me walk you to class" He offered which she definitely didn't pass up.

"We need to get Myers after school. Looks like him and that bitch made friends, maybe if we get her alone we can show her not to mess with us" Wesley said to his friend as they both watched Michael leave with (Y/N). They'd for sure make those two pay.

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