Chapter 7

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She got up an threw a robe on, and stared out into the beyond lost in thought.

Christine's POV

"Morning J" with a tiny tear rolling down my face.

"What's wrong, is everything okay ?" He asked as he got up and came close to me.

He cupped my face and wiped of my tear with his thumb.

"Last night was amazing" I said in sadness with a smile on my face.

"Christine, what's wrong. Tell me."

"Agh I don't know, perhaps the fact that we won't be seeing each other much anymore. And that these 3 days have been literally the highlight of my life and that .."

"Chrissy! Calm down. I will see you again, of course we will. I like you-" He reassured me "-a lot. And nothing can take that away from me."

"But what about you job and all of this with other girls."

"Firstly none of this was supposed to happen i was never supposed to like a client in that way. But aww god you're fucking precious. And well as far as my job goes - I love my job. And it's not like I have feelings for all the other girls anyways. It also pays well and I don't see real problem with it.

"Look Jacob, I'm a sensitive girl and sometimes I get insecure. I mean you met me like this what if you suddenly like someone else just like me? I can't take that much pressure." I said walking away from him

He came closer and hugged me. " I have never seen anyone like you before, people might have been prettier as they say - which matter of fact I haven't seen - but my heart beats only for you Christine. And I promise you I won't let anything affect this relationship of ours."

"Jacob" I said hugging him tighter "how did I end up finding you."

"Let's go eat some breakfast."

I wiped my tears and smiled towards the kitchen.

"Yeah let's eat, I made breakfast this morning." I said with a stuttering, cracked voice

We ate and I packed my bags ready to leave. I hated everything about this. I didn't want to go. This was the best my life has ever been. All I could think of was spending every moment with him. I wish I could do everything on earth with him. He gave me a sense of understanding and love that I haven't found in anyone since.

We kissed goodbye and I walked towards the dooR.

John chauffeured me back home. And here I was back home. Back home to my boring self with nothing.

I don't know what to do anymore I was helpless and annoyed.

But at least I was home and I could... oh forget it nothing can make me feel the things he did. I wanna be with him.

What was it about him that I haven't seen in anybody else. Everything, I loved everything about him. The weird thing is the attraction was more than physical, he liked my heart and I liked his.

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